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Kuroo's POV

Today was July 4th and I wanted to spend it with Kenma but he was afraid of loud noises and bright colors, it makes me wonder how he plays the games of his then. I went to the store with Bokuto to the get fireworks we wanted. Bokuto wanted to get all the big ones, since Kenma doesn't like loud noises or bright colors I got small ones.

Bokuto: Your really getting those small ones

Kuroo: Yeah Kenma doesn't like huge ones so I got smaller ones he can enjoy

Bokuto: That's so cute Kuroo *Puts arm around shoulder* Your caring for your future husband

Kuroo: Ah shut up *Pushes arm off* Kenma pays more attention to those games than me

Bokuto: Well Akkashi likes the colors so I am gonna get the prettiest ones for him since he is perfect

Kuroo: That's sweet

Kenma's POV

After Kuroo left to get fireworks I decided to play Animal crossing. Kuroo likes big fireworks so I don't like watching fireworks with him. I want to spend more time with him but.......my games are better, Sometimes I feel like the games are too much because Kuroo seems like he is getting more distant from me. I like him alot becuase when I was sad he would always cheer me up and make me feel better, in fact he is the reason I am playing volleyball still. He was sort of my first friend and I got more attached to him since he was so nice and sweet. I don't want too loose him and fall in love with someone else.

Kuroo: KENMA I AM BACK *Closes door*

Kenma: Ok

Ugh I forgot he is so loud, why did I decide to move in with him. I am just ready for him to have those dumb big fireworks of his.

Kuroo: Hey Kenma *Sits on couch next to Kenma* Since you don't like big fireworks I got small ones we both can enjoy

Kenma: Oh *Puts game away* Thank you *Hugs* >//////<

Wow he did think about me I guess, I feel bad though becuase he is missing out on the fireworks he likes.

Kuroo: Yep -/////-

Kenma: But you won't have any fun since you like big fireworks *Continues hugging*

Kuroo: As long as I am with you it will be great *Hugs back*

Kenma: Oh well ok -/////- *Continues hugging*

Kuroo: We can do them later though since we need to eat dinner all right *Leaves bag on coffee table and walks to kitchen*

Kenma: Can we eat pizza today please *Frowns becuse Kuroo stopped hugging him*

Kuroo: Sure as long as you eat ok *Grabs phone and dials number*

Kenma: I am gonna go change

Kuroo: Alright go ahead........Ah yes hello I would like one half pepperoni and half cheese pizza please

As I went upstairs to change I felt really happy today becaise Kuroo was getting more closer to me and I really loved that. I wonder if he is like this because it's the 4th or because he really wants to get closer like we used to be.

Kuroo's POV

After I got the pizza I went upstairs to change but got to make sure to knock first, last time I didn't knock Kenma had his pants on but not his shirt. Kenma smacked me for not knocking on the door.

Kuroo: Kenma *Knocks on door* can I come in

Kenma: Yeah sure

Me and Kenma went outside after we both changed and ate some pizza. When he was sitting outside I grabbed the fireworks so we could lite them. I was going tp go inside but Kenma then grabbed my shirt and put his head on my arm. He was so cute and adorable.

Kenma: Thank you for spending time with me *Hugs*

Kuroo: Well of course I love you *Kisses forehead and hugs back*

Kenma: I love you too *Continues hugging*

Kenma's POV

As we sat there hugging it was quiet until someone close by had a giant firework that went off.


I was scared so I grabbed onto Kuroo tighter and brought my head to his chest. He noticed I was scared and carried me inside while turning the lights off. We went to our room and layed down with me in Kuroo's arms, I felt really safe so I fell asleep easily.

Kuroo's POV

Kenma got scared so he put his head in my chest and gripped tighter. Since we used all the fireworks we had I went inside with him. We went for the room to lay down and get rest for tommorow.

Kuroo: Goodnight Pudding head *Kisses forehead*

Kenma: Mn *Moves around  little*

Kuroo: So adorable

(This story was kind of bad, I am sorry)

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