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This is when they are older and live together

*Sound of rocks skipping in water then sinking in*

Nishinoya: Awww man my rock didn't skip across the water all the way

Asahi: It's alright just try again *puts hand on the back of his neck*

Nishinoya: Ok

After 5 more tries Nishinoya just gave up, he was too mad and just sat under a cherry blossom tree by the water. A few minutes later they went near the water but Nishinoya got to close and fell in.

Nishinoya: AGHHH

Asahi: It's ok do you have any spare clothes

Nishinoya: Yeah I do *Goes to change clothes*

After he came back they got ice cream but Nishinoya dropped his so Asahi gave home his, but they both enjoyed it together.

Nishinoya: Stupid park day

Asahi: Nishinoya are you alright *Walks over to him*

Nishinoya: I am fine ok let's just go home *Puts on a fake smile*

Asahi: Ah ok *Grabs his hand and walks to car*

Once they got to home Nishinoya went straight to their room to lay down. Asahi was getting really nervous because Nishinoya never acted like that before, today Nishinoya looked more mad and annoyed.

Asahi: Nishinoya *Knocks on door* are you alright

Nishinoya: Can you come in here please

Asahi: Of course *Enters room and walks toward bed* are you feeling ok, do I need to get something for you

Nishinoya: No can you just come over here and cuddle me please

Asahi: Sure

They snuggled up in a red blanket on the bed, since it was so warm Asahi had fallen to sleep. When Asahi woken up Nishinoya was wide awake and had his head on Asahi's chest.

Nishinoya: You're up finally

Asahi: I am so sorry did I fall asleep *Rubs eyes*

Nishinoya: Yeah but don't worry, because of you I feel better

Asahi: Oh, well that's good

Nishinoya: Mmm

Asahi: What

Nishinoya: So warm

Asahi: Mmh

Nishinoya: No one can see me here *Covers his face slightly with blanket*

Asahi: Well what if I want to see you *Uncovers face with blanket and turns Nishinoya around so they are facing each other*

Nishinoya: No one can see me *Buries face in Asahi's chest *

Asahi: Well I want to *Moves Nishinoya's face away from chest and kisses*

Nishinoya: I love you

Asahi: I love you too

A week later

Asahi: Remember this is the park were everything bad happened

Nishinoya: Yeah

Asahi: Well today it might be the best day at this park

Nishinoya: Pffft how

Asahi: Well *Gets on on knee* Nishinoya *Opens box to show a silver ring with his name on it* will you make me the happiest man alive

Nishinoya: Umm...*Cries* OF COURSE ASAHI

Nishinoya jumped on top of Asahi as soon as he had the ring on his finger, they went home and snuggled into each other ready to plan their wedding, also they got a little naughty. (If you know what I mean 😏)

                            I am so sorry for not updating faster or sooner

I have not updated because my phone dropped in the toilet and stopped charging 😓 I finally found my tablet though so I am going to use that from now on. Also this was extremely short and it should have been longer, AUGHHH everything is just going BOOM and POOF soooooo.

Please forgive me 🙁

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