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~Warning they are gonna fuck, I mean like just straight up they are going to do it and there is no stopping it 😈👬~

Bold is what someone is thinking
Whispering is Italicize

Atsumu's POV

Today was a game with Karasuno and I pretended to get sick, I really regretted it when my brother Osamu said I couldn't go to school. The only reason I pretended was so that he could stop pestering me at school (That's if I did go to school).

Osamu: You have to stay home

Atsumu: But broooooother I doooooon't waaaaaant toooooo

Osamu: You just want to see Sakusa

Atsumu: That is so not true >//////<

Osamu: Then why are you getting red for

Atsumu: BECAUSE I AM SICK IDIOT *Playfully punches arm*

Osamu: That is such a lie, but STAY HOME

At school

Sakusa's POV

As I walked up to the school I saw Osamu but Atsumu wasn't with him, Osamu was by himself.

Sakusa: Hey Osamu were is Atsumu

Osamu: Oh he is sick so he can't be here

Sakusa: Oh ok

Osamu: Oh do you maybe........miss him..........AWWWWWWWW

Sakusa: Osamu stop it I do not -///////-

I am so annoyed of Osamu he keeps trying to get me closer to Atsumu, I mean I don't hate it but he does it infront of everyone and I hate it. What I even hate more is when he gets me jealous and so I have to do something.


Osamu: Hmm I have an idea

Atsumu: Pleaaaaase Omi-Kun we have to hang out, you know you love hanging out with me

Sakusa: No Miya *Looks Atsumu up and down twice*


Osamu: What are you rambling about now

Sakusa: Umm there is no space at the table Osamu, were is Atsumu supposed to sit now

Atsumu: It's alright I will sit some were else

Osamu: Just sit in Sakusa's lap brother

Atsumu: STUPID BROTHER NO *Blushes* -//////-

Sakusa: Tch Osamu he can't sit in my lap I would get all red everyone will know I like Atsumu

Osamu: Fine Atsumu can sit in Kita's lap

Kita: Fine with me

Atsumu: Ok then Oh my did he just say he was gonna get red, does that mean he likes me

Sakusa: Urgh *Places tray down and pulls Atsumu back*

Atsumu: Argh Omi-Kun what was that for Oh no

Sakusa: Just sit in my lap *Sits down*

Atsumu: Oh ok *Slowly to sit on Sakusa's lap* Are you sure  Please don't blush to hard Atsumu

Sakusa: Yes Yes *Pulls Atsumu down so he is on my lap*

Atsumu: Mhn *Sits in Sakusa's lap*

Sakusa: Just never again

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