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In this story Iwaizumi is an alien that abducted Oikawa. 👽💖👦

Oikawa's POV

I was running as fast as I can from work to get home today because my favorite show comes out with another season. When I did get home I changed into only my green alien boxers and set everything up. Everything was perfect and ready like  snacks, just me in my boxers snuggling into my blanket, and my favorite show playing nothing could go wrong.

BOOM *Power goes out*

Oikawa: AHHHH

A loud boom was heard from outside but I don't want to check. When I go outside there is nothing to be seen at all, I shrug it off and look for the circuit board. (Whatever turns the power on again 😐) When I got to the circuit board there was someone standing there touching it and messing with it. AW HELL NO I AM NOT. I was scared so I wrapped myself in all my blankets and just stayed in bed waiting for it to be day.

Iwazumi's POV

On my planet volleyton it was the day were certain Volleytonians had to go to earth to choose someone to be there partner doesn't matter what gender. Volleytonians aren't allowed to love each other so we get people from earth. The people who were chosen to go to earth were Daichi, Ushijima, Kageyama, Bokuto, and me. We all set out on the same space ship to planet earth, We would have fit in well if it wasn't for our eyes. Our eyes have regular human color but they also sparkle very bright colors, my dad's friend was killed becuase he went to earth and his eyes were ripped out. I hope when I meet a human they don't rip my eyes out........Anyway........I just want to find the perfect person.

Iwaizumi: I call dibs on the first one we see

Ushijima: Alright fine with me

Bokuto: Aww

Kageyama: Whatever


Kageyama: HEY WATCH IT *Puts camaflouge mode on*

Iwaizumi: Oh no *Opens door and exits* You stay here ok

I accidently hit the back of someones house and all thier lights went out. I tried to fix the circuit board since I hit that too but then I heard the back door open.

Iwaizumi: SHIT please don't see me *Sees person running* Nope they saw me

Ushijima: We are leaving to find our partners

Iwaizumi: Ok but come right back after

Kageyama: Ok we will

I finally turned the power on and went to the front of the person's house to tell them sorry for what I did. I just hope they don't try and take my eyes or hurt me at all.

Oikawa's POV

I heard a the doorbell ring and was scared to answer it, but what if the person came to kill me. I went down anyways and opened the door to see who it was.

Oikawa: Hello *Grips onto pillow tighter*

Iwaizumi: Hello, umm I came to say I am sorry for turning your power off I fixed it though so don't worry.

Oikawa: OHH *Drops pillow* Your eyes are so beautiful *Reaches out*

Iwaizumi: Ah *Covers eyes* Please don't take them

Oikawa: Why would I take them

Iwaizumi: So *Uncovers eyes* you don't want them

Oikawa: No I don't want them *Caresses face with hand*

He was the most beautiful person I have ever seen in my entire life, but then I remembered about the aliens who has eyes that sparkle. He can't be an alien though can he.

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