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Somehow my health condition has a connection with my wifi connection.Each time both go down at a time.I had sore throat.Right now I get my voice back...well...almost also wifi connection too...

Today is my Birthday..I am publishing this as birthday special and halloween special.

This chapter comes out not so good but I will improve it later.Too sleepy na...

18 years of Forth & Beam :

Since that cola incident something stirred up inside Forth's heart.Since then Forth feels to be a bit near Beam I mean he was near Beam all the time but that awareness was not there - now his eyes search for Beam....all.the.time.

It's magical...and creepy too..Come on!!!Why not!!!

Ok let's demonstrate.

Just close your eyes and imagine lunch time canteen crowd.

I hope you all can...

Students,foods,noise and noise..big line in front of stalls...Everyone is chatting,hustle and bustle like fish market.

Now you are in a corner watching everything and you know Beam's feature soooo well...Imagine imagine

Now find Beam within a minute.

Can you?

I am sure you can't but........
I can.

So that's creepy (proved)

Whenever I think of him he is in front of me..He is everywhere.

And can you believe!!!!For the first time I discover his room is in front of mine...I mean..I mean..I knew always..I..I...ugh crap...

(Breath in breath out)

Well I knew but... Ummm never cared before but now I am stalking that guy..He is so cute while studying and chewing that pencil.

Damn!!That pencil is lucky!

Wait what!!!What I am thinking!!!

I think I need to pour water on my head...cold water...may be that will help me to function properly.

He was about to go to bathroom then suddenly turn to take a peek at that beautiful boy....who looks serene like ocean breeze...


Their arrangement has been settled.Well settled by Phana and Park's group discussion.

If you are thinking they are somehow collaborating in some official stuff or uhummm..marriage of sons then...
dream on.

The formats are simple.Forth,Beam,Saint and well Phukong!!

(Author is scratching her head because she is confused too)

Place - Lam's house,Kit's house.

*healthy foods must be provided

*No phones,no games

*No gossiping

*Only work

And * no sitting side by side.There must be decent gaps.

(* special terms)

Are you confused?Well this happened -

"I tell you Lam my son can manage.Biology is related to body right?No big deal..He will only imagine it as a punch bag and... bang and... boom...he will pass."

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