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We know already who are daddies,mommies and babies.Now let's go for more.

1 year of Forth and Beam :

"Pha....change the diaper na..Baby dirtied it again I think...I am preparing food." Kit loudly orders Pha from the kitchen.

Pha hurriedly goes to his sunshine who dirtied himself but still clapping and smiling with four front teeth seeing his father.

"Someone pooped but still happy huh...Pfft.."

Pha diligently changes the diaper,cleans the bum and put his head on own chest who drools and babbles.Sometimes he snuggles that tickles his father and baby enjoys...


"Yes yes...Say dada ok.Not mommy."

Pha winks.


Pha pouts.

"Ok.But say dada more."

Beam smiles.

Pha showers him with kisses.

"My baby is daddy's precious jewel,too pure for this world.I will protect my baby from any evil things."


"Ugh...What's this commotion since morning???They are continuously making noise..."

Hihihi...clap clap..

"The only one who is not bothered by all is my Beamiiee booo..." He taps his son's nose who blinks with dazzling eyes.

He tickles his son.
Beam cackles more..

"Mr. Thanathit sold the house.So we are having a new neighbour.We should meet them later.I made extra butter chicken to take with us for them."

Pha nods...


"No... no..not will break...just a bit on left side..ok..ok..bring the next one."

"Ugh...Lam...tell him to stop crying.My head will burst out anytime.What's wrong with this brat now?"

"He is a baby!Don't you dare to call him brat..." Lam glared.

"Whatever!" Park rolled his eyes.

Forth raised his hand towards his father to get attention.

"That table is for upstairs.Please take it there."

Forth is wailing more as his father is not even looking at him.He throws his hands and feet everywhere to get attention.

Lam is already tired swaying him.

"Excuse me!We are your immediate neighbour.If..."


"Pha dude!!!"

Both of them are too surprised to see Phana in front of them...

"You buy this home!!!!Oh my God!!What a small world!!!Wait..Kitty is coming too."

Phana rushed to Kitty and take Beam from his hand.Kit brought with him butter chicken he cooked before.He is also surprised.

"I can't believe Lam Park.You are our neighbour!I heard from Pha you also have a baby that night.I couldn't meet you.You released before me."

"I went to your room but you were sleeping."

It's difficult to talk when your child is constantly wailing and wriggling.

Pha didn't notice particularly but now he saw a weeping baby with puffy eyes all red who is throwing tantrums.

'Park's son is bratty I think.Ah at least I have a pure angel.' Phana thought.

"Park can't you take him for a while?"

"I have to check them upstairs."

"No worries Lam.Give me your son and take this inside." He hands him over a box of food.Lam goes inside kitchen and come back soon.

"Forth is behaving today like this because he lost his favorite toy mobile.He loves to chew it."

"And press that damn button to play music...whole day..." Park mutters with anger.

"He is a baby Park!"

"I hate that damn music.It hurts my head."

Lam doesn't care about his husband's ranting.

"I think I packed that mobile inside yellow box.Please bring it na."

"It's not there."

"How do you know?"

"I threw it away."

"How dare you?That's my babies favorite toy!!"

Pha and Kitty stand their dumbfounded.

'My son never does that.He plays with anything I give.I always give him doctor toys.' Pha feels happy.

Suddenly Beam claps.

They all focused on the cute plushy baby Beam.

Forth stopped crying.He looks at the baby in front of him and tilts his head.

Then gradually he forwards his hand and clasps the finger of little baby tightly.Then shows his signature gummy smile that he got.

"Already stopped crying??!!''

Lam and Kit cooed.

"Oh look they are already liking each other.I am sure they will get along together so well.Forth this is your new friend Beam." Kit introduces them happily.

Park and Pha are fuming inside.

'I should not have thrown that damn mobile.Now my son is focused on others.I don't like it.' Park feels jealous

(Hey you neglected baby Forth before Park.)

'Park's son looks at my baby boo like he is his favorite sweet.I don't like it.' Phana's possessive side kicks.

(Forth is just an innocent baby Pha.Ok may be...for now 😁)

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