Chapter 18

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Me and Kelly were on shift and Lillian was at school. Rick was loving the academy. Honestly, I think he likes it more than the marines. I was sitting on the back of truck 81 when I heard my brother's truck. I heard his door open and then the back door of his truck and I heard something jump out and a jingle and paws running got up from the truck and looked at what was happening and screamed when I saw Delta she came running to me and started licking my face
"Hi Delta how are you?" I asked her
"Well she now a police dog," Jay said
"Delta are you cop now?" I asked her 
She just wagged her tail back and forth
Soon we heard the door from the house open
"Teagan are you okay?" Kelly asked running over to me
Delta got into protective stans and guarded me against Kelly she has always been like this around me.
"Delta this is kelly," I said petting her
She sat down and looked at Kelly he bent down and put his hand out slowly and started petting her. After like 20 min Jay left with Delta
"That was nice," I said
"And she saved your life," Kelly said
"Yeah I have the scars to prove it," I said
"I know," He said
he moved closer to me 
"Kelly we're at work," I said
"I know babe," He said before he kissed me I kissed him back
Someone cleared their throat 
"Guy keep it professional at work," Boden said
"Got it chief," We both said
"That was hm a mood killer," Kelly said
I punched Kelly's arm and walked away with a smile
"You love me," He said
I flipped him off and turned around and ran back to him
"I do love you," I said grabbing his waist
"Guy no PDA at work," We heard matt say
"Wow now Matts on our case," I said
"Yeah," Kelly said
"Do you think the girls are their way?" I asked
"Yeah," Kelly said
PROV Lillian
Me and Kenzi we're walking to 51 when saw one of my friends I ran over to him and grabbed what was in his hand
"Aiden Henry, what is this?" I asked
"Oh yeah because it's like you care, Lillian," He said
"Aiden you are coming with me now," I said
"No, because your new foster parents might think im trying to get you pregnant," He said pulling away from me
"Aiden," I yelled 
"What Lillian," He yelled 
"You can't this you want to be in the army Aiden well this will prevent you from that," I said
"What do you care you left me," He said
"Aiden that not fare," I said
"Really because last time I checked we're all each other had," He said
PROV Kenzi
I didn't know what was happening I called my dad I didn't know this kid
"Hey, Kenzibear," 
"Dad me and Lillian are a few blocks from 51 and Lillian saw this kid and there now yelling at each other," I said
"Okay Kenzi im coming," He said
We hung up
PROV Lillian
I heard a siren in the distinct 
"Aidan you better pray that my friend called her dad," I said
"No cops," He said before trying to run
I ran after him I tackled him 
"Aiden do what help?" I asked him
"Yes," He said
"Then you need to stay with me," I said
Kenzi came running over to us. Aidan flipped me over on my back. I looked at him leaned down and kissed and then ran away
"AIDEN," I yelled
Kenzi went after him and brought him back right when Jay pulled I was still on the ground seeing as he flipped me it knocked the wind out of me. Jay came over to me while Hailey grabbed Aiden from Kenzi
"Hey L are you okay," Jay asked me
"Yeah," I said
He helped me up and me and Kenzi got in the bed of the truck and Jay drove us to 51 I walked to the locker room and started crying
"Lil, what just happened?" Kenzi asked
"That was Aiden and what he had was drugs I hate this I can't help him we have to go to the district I have to help him," I said
"Who had drugs?" Kelly asked 
"No one," I said
"Lillian who had drug and why is there a bruise on your arm?" He asked
"It nothing," I said
"Lillian," He said
"Fine my friend from when I was at the group home one of our foster brothers got him into drugs," I said
"SO what happened?" He asked
"we're walking here I saw him ran over to him took the drugs out of his hand I haven't given them to Jay yet there was so much happening and then he flips me over knocks the wind out of me and kisses me," I said
"Okay come on we're going to the 21st right now," Kelly said
"Okay," I said
We walked out to Kelly's car and drove the district we went up to Trudy
"I was just about to call, Jay needs you two," She said
Kelly walked up with us I went over to Jay and gave him the baggie everyone looked at me Jay stood up
"Guys she's a good kid these are friends she forgot to give them to me," He said
"Yeah there her friends," Kenzi said
I was shocked that people were protecting me like that it felt nice
"Jay Aiden he a good kid one of our foster brothers got him to this mess," I said I was trying not to cry
But Kelly could tell he walked over to me and hugged me I started crying
"Hey, Lilybear it's okay," Kelly said rubbing my back
"He can't go to juvie," I said
"Hey will make sure he gets help L," Jay said
"But how I've tried and failed," I said
"Hey I know someone," He said
"Where is he?" I asked
"He is in one of the interview room," Jay said
"Can I see him?" I asked
"Yeah," Jay said
He walked me back and opened the door and closed it
"Aiden," I said
"What," He said
"Aiden why did you kiss me?" I asked
"Because I love you, Lillian I didn't know how to say it so I kissed you," He said
"Aiden I love you too but. You can't keep doing drugs Aiden if I lost you or if you couldn't get into the military Aiden I would blame myself because I couldn't help you," I said
"Lil I want help," He said
"But I need you to be there," He said
"I will be," I said
"But Lil your foster family," He said
"Aiden," I said
"They won't let you. They're going to like the others," He said
"No Aiden there different," I said
Soon Jay came to get me
"Hey so Voight is going to help Aiden," Jay said
"Wait will I be able to help him?" I asked 
"Yeah if it okay with Teagan and Kelly," He said
"It's fine with me," Kelly said
"Thanks, da," I said stopping myself from saying the word the dad 
Me and Kelly walked back out to his car to go back to 51 so he could finish work
"Hey you can call me dad," He said
"No, because what if you guys don't adopt me," I said
"Hey me and Teagan already started the process," He said
"Yeah but if it doesn't go through," I said
"Lil it will," He said
"But I don't want to get my hopes up," I said
"Lillian it's okay," He said
"I just don't know," I said
"here try it if don't like it then keep calling me Kelly," He said
"Okay, Dad," I said with a smile it made me feel good
"And Lil," He said
"Okay I will call you Dad," I said
"Now you don't have to call me dad all the time," He said
"Okay," I said
PROV Teagan
Me and Brett just got back from 5 back to back calls. She pulled on to the apparatus floor 
"Where is Kelly?" I asked
" I don't know," Brett said
We both got out of the ambulance. We walked into the common room
"If we get called out one more time," Brett said
"No don't say that," I said
and then we're called out again
"Brett this why we don't say that," I said
After the call, we got back to 51 
"you say anything," I said
"Got it," She said
Kelly came up to me 
"Teagan I need to talk to you," He said
"Yeah okay," I said
"In private," He said
We walked to his quarters and sat on the bed
"Kelly what you're making me worried," I said
"Teagan Lillian ran to an old friend of hers she wants to help get clean I said yes but Voight need to know you're okay with it too," He said
"Wait what do mean clean?" I asked
"Teagan her friend Aiden go into drugs one of there foster brothers got him into them," He said
"Kelly it fine with me but anything happens to her im holding Voight responsible," I said
"Teagan nothing will happen to her," He said
"You better hope so," I said
After shift, I went to the district 
"Hey Halstead," Trudy said
"Hey is Jay still here?" I asked
"Yeah, he is," She said
"Can you buzz me up?" I asked
Just then Jay came down I grabbed him and pulled him outside
"Teagan what the hell," He said
"My kid had drugs on her today," I said
"Teagan really that what this is about," he said
"Jay me and Kelly can't adopt her if she gets caught with drugs," I said
"Teagan I will keep an eye on him and Voights taking him in," Jay said
"You better pray he doesn't mess up Jay," I said
The inner mom was coming out in me and so was the marine. I had my twin pinned against a wall. Soon I was being pulled off of Jay by Mouse and Rick
"Teg you can't kill your twin," Mouse said
"Well then next time he should tell me what going so I don't find out 2 1/2 hours later," I said
"Wait what Kelly didn't tell you a tell 2 hours later," Jay said
"Yeah because back to back calls," I said
"So going Marine/Mom on my ass is because of back to back calls?" Jay asked
"Yeah Jay because some people like to be in the loop," I said
"Teagan I understand it you don't want anything bad to happen to her. I get the same with Kenzi that why Maddie goes with me to the school so I don't punch someone it instinct for us Teg its how we were trained," Jay said hugging me
"I know I just don't want to lose her Jay," I said crying 
"Hey your not going to," He said
Me and Jay sat on the ground and just held each other Mouse and Rick left for Mollys 
PROV Kelly
I went to Mollys to wait for Teagan. Lillian was with Kenzi and Maddie. Soon I saw Mouse and Rick walk into Molly they sat next to me
"Hey, where are Jay and Teagan?" I asked
"Hm there coming," Mouse said
PROV Teagan
"We should probably get going I don't know how much longer Mouse and Rick will last," I said
Then I heard kellys car pull into the parking lot
"Wow think Mouse and Rick forgot some traning," I said
"No Kelly just indmadting when it comes to you," Jay said helping me up
Kelly ran over to me and hugged me
"Teagan im sorry I should have called you and told you not waited 2 hours to tell you," Kelly said
He then looked at Jay
"Hey are you okay?" He asked him
"Yeah not my first time being throw up against a wall by her and it won't be the last," Jay said
"Hey you just want to go home?" Kelly asked
"Yeah" I said

Auothers Note 
Only one more chapter before the wedding. Thank you for reading 


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