Chapter 15

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"Hey Boden," I said
"Yeah Halstead, what is it?" He asked
"Hm well who is fill in chief while your gone," I asked
"Chief Pridgen," He said
"Chief he was of my academy class and lead it," I said
"Okay and don't forget about Kenzi ridealong next week," He said
"I won't chief," I said
"Damnit," I said opening and slamming my locker
"Okay slamming lockers not a good sign," I heard Matt say
 I didn't answer him I just opened my locker again and grabbed my stuff and slammed my locker again
"Teagan what's wrong?" He asked
"Nothing," I said
"Teg I know when you're lying to me," He said
"It's just the most racist and most sexist chief is going to be head of 51 while Bodens out," I said
"What do you mean?" He asked
"Cheif Pridgen," I said
"I thought he was head of 17," He said
"Well ever since 17 got shut down he was at the academy. He said women should be in a kitchen not fighting fires," I said
"And Kenzi ridealong is next week with 61 and I don't want her around that stuff or him," I said
"Teagan if he says anything about any of you girls we will be on his ass," Matt said 
We walked out to the common room where Kenzi was 
"Teagan why do you look upset?" She asked me
"Im just not going to get along with the fill-in chief," I said
"Why?" She asked
"Adult stuff," I said
"That what my dad aways say when you and him get into a fight," She said
"No that just siblings," Maddie said
"Well that is true," I said 
"Come on let's go," I said
"Okay let me grab my stuff from Maddie car," She said
"Okay," I said
"Hey, are you okay Teagan?" Maddie asked me
"Yeah just tired," I said
"Hey, if you don't want to take her tonight me and Jay can do date night another," Maddie said
"No you and Jay need this," I said
"Okay if you need us to pick her up we can," She said
"Maddie we're fine," I said
"Okay, im just making sure," She said
"I know you are," I said 
We walked to the truck with luna I put our stuff in the truck
"Luna loud up," I said patting the seat
Luna, loud up I closed the door and got in and started the truck
"Okay, Kellys working late at OFI so what do you want for dinner?" I asked
"Hm Wendy's," Kenzi said
"Okay let's get going," I said
"Teagan why doesn't my dad talk about when he was in the army? My teacher Ms. Gibbs talks about when she was in the Navy," She said
"Well sometimes that type of stuff can bring up bad memories for some people and others they talk about it," I said
"Did you ever think he wasn't going to make it home?" She asked me
"Sometimes," I said
"Oh hm we can change the subject if don't want to talk about it," She said
"No Kenz it's fine," I said
"Do you have any pictures of him in uniform?" She asked
"Yeah I do I can show you when we get back," I said
Once we got food we head back to the apartment. Once we're done eating we walked to the bedroom where my trunk was, I opened it and grabbed a small box that had some pictures of Jay in it, I showed them to her then put the box way, 
"Hey are you ready to go to bed because we got to get up early tomorrow," I said
"Yeah," she said
"Okay let's see if Kelly's home yet," I said
Just then we heard the door open the door
"Hi, Luna we're you a good girl today?" Kelly asked her
I walked out to the living room while Kenzi got ready for bed 
"Hi, how was your day?" I asked him 
"Good how was yours?" He asked
"It was good," I said
"Teg Matt messaged me," He said
"It was locker slamming," I said
"The most sexist and most racist chief ever is just slamming locker babe," he said
"Kelly thinks women belong in the kitchen," I said
"Teagan if says anything about what you can or can't do the damn wrong,"
The next day
Me and Kenzi went to the station, I made sure Kenzi had everything she would need for the day so she could hang out in my quarters,
"Okay Kenzi now I need you to start heading to the district around 1:00 pm I can have Cru take you if you want," I said
"Yeah okay is this because of the racist and sexist chief?" She asked
"Yeah, I don't want him to tell you that you can't be a paramedic because you're a girl," I said
"And I can take Luna with me," she said
"Okay," I said
Once we got to the station I dreaded the day ahead of me, We walked into the common room and then to Kelly's quarters and left
"Squad we to have a meeting," I said
They followed me to the squad table
"Guy I want you guys to make sure he says nothing to Kenzi," I said
Pretty soon we're called out it was a water rescue after we got the girls out of the and off to med we head bake to the station as soon as I got out of the truck Pridgen walked over to me
"Fire ahead," he said
"My name is lieutenant Halstead," I said
"Aw someone felt bad for you," he said
"No, I earned my ranking of lieutenant," I said and walked away to check on Kenzi
It was almost one I decide to walk her there. Once I dropped her off I went back to 51. I got back right as we're being called out I ran to the squad truck and got in and tapped the side of the truck to tell Cruz we're good to go. When we got there it was a house fire.
"Okay Cruz Ford with me," I said
"Got it," they both said
We geared up and ran up to the house
"Okay let's go," I said
We walked in and started searching for anybody, I heard something start to go
"Guys we got to get moving it going to go," I said
Right as we got outside a gust of wind pushed us forward

"Everybody alright?" I asked
"Yeah," Cruz said
51 started putting out the fire. Once they were done
"Hey Maddie come on I have a bad feeling," I said
"So we're going inside to see what started it?" She asked
"Yep," I said
We walked in I moved my flashlight around the room and saw something reflect the light. I walked over to and to take a closer look
"Maddie get OFI down here," I said
"Arson?" She asked
"Looks like it," I said
We walked out of the house and waited for OFI to get there. Once OFI got there we walked into the house and then left when we got back to the station
"Halstead my office now," Pridgen said
"Yes sir," I said
I walked to his office
"Mind telling me why squad came back late," He said
"Well it was arson chief," I said
"And how do you know that?" He asked
"Its going back in and seeing what caused the fire," I said and then walked out
"Halstead get back here now," he yelled
"I'm sorry we have to clean up before next call," I said
"I want your badge on my desk by the end of week," He said
I walked to the locker and slammed my locker shut
"Damni," I said
"Wow Teg are you okay?" Matt asked me
"No because Pridgen think he can fire me," I said
"Wait what,? Matt said
"Yeah," I said
"Yeah no your not turning in your badge," Matt said
A few days later
Pridgen walked over to me
"I'm haveing some problems with your captin would you like to be captin," he said
"Matt Casey is damn good captin and I will not take his place and second you told my niece that she could not do the ridealong today and she is heart broken she is right now crying in my brother's arms because of you and thrid I don't like the way your treating anyone in this house, this my family and if you don't like it the doors right there," I said
"I what your badge now," he said
"Yeah no," I said
"I'm going to call cops on you," he said
"Yeah and when you do ask for Hank Voight," I said and then walked way
"Okay now that was some Halstead right there Teagen," Matt said
"Well maybe he should respect us a little more," I said
Soon I saw Jay walking in
"Hey Jay," I said
"Hey sis," he said
"So what the hell is going on?" He asked
"Well let's just I'm pretty mad and so is everyone else," I said
"He told my little girl that she shouldn't be paramedic where all going to headquarters right now," I said
"I'm coming with," Jay said
"Okay ride with squad," I said
We all got into the trucks and left and went to headquarters once we got there we all got we walked in to headquarters and went straight to to the cominsers office
"Is he in today?" I asked
"Yep he waiting for you guys," the lady said
We walked in to his office. We all said Pridgen has been doing
"I'll have his badge by the end of the day," he said
"Thank you," we all said

Authors Note
Kelly will be back next chapter and if haven't already go read daughter of Jay Halstead so you know who Kenzi is.


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