Chapter 12

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It had been a few days since I got the bright idea to jump out a window.
"Hey we should start planning," I said
"Well we should enjoy being engaged," Kelly said
"I know," I said
"Besides we could get married tomorrow and I would be happy,"
"But my brothers wouldn't be happy with us," I said
"Yeah, they would not," He said
"Hey I love you," I said
"I love you too," He said
I got up and sat on his lap and started kissing him
"So is this what we're doing now?" He asked
"Yeah," I said with a smile 
"I just wanted to be sure," He said
He put me beside him and got up and picked me up and we took it to the bedroom he took off my shirt and put lied down so I was on top and you know what happened next. When we're done I looked over at Kelly with a smile
"What?" kelly asked moving a piece of my hair behind my ear
"Nothing it just I still don't how im so lucky to have you," I said
"I ask my self that every day," he said kissing of my head
"You know we should probably make dinner," I said
"I'm fine with that," He said
got up and grabbed one of his shirts and walked to the kitchen and started grabbing stuff to make chicken and rice. I put the chicken in the pan and then the rice in a separate pan
"Damnit," I said after burned my self hot oil
"Teagan are you okay?" Kelly asked looking at the burn
"Teagan you were just burned with hot oil," he said 
 "I'm going to go grab the first aid kit," He said
"Fine," I said
Kelly came back with the first aid kit after made sure my hand was all good I went back to making dinner 
"So what are you making?" kelly asked
"Chicken and Rice," I said
"Really," I he said grabbing my waist then the timer went off
"Dinners ready," I said
After we ate dinner sat on the couch with luna and watched the best movie at least in my opinion The Spirit of Christmas a hallmark movie. Kelly doesn't like hallmark movies but he put's with it. Then I remembered I have to go on for Kipp and Kennedy's trials.
"Why," I said
"Why what?" Kelly asked
"Kipp and Kennedy's trials are this week," I said
"I have a meeting with the district attorney tomorrow after shift then Jay helping prepare me to go on the stand then I got to get something nice for the trials and then Mouse needs help finding an apartment so me and Jay are helping. I mean Jay did offer his extra room. But Mouse is no I can't someone might need it," I said
"Wow, so pretty packed week then," Kelly said
"Yep, and to top it off I don't know if I want to wear my ring to the trial," I said
"Well, I think you should wear it Teagan," he said
"You think I should?" I asked 
"Yeah, I do," he said
the next morning when I woke up I could hear the shower running I walked into the bathroom 
"Hey, can I join you?" I asked Kelly
"yes you can," he said
Once we got out of the shower we started getting ready for shift and then we off to the Firehouse with Luna 
"Okay meeting with the district attorney today after shift and got to head over to Jays then this weekend," I kept saying about the tenth Kelly reached over grabbed my hand
"Teagan you need to stress about this stuff yes I know you want stuff to go perfectly this week,"
"Kelly it's just I have to see them again testifying against them, Even being prepared I won't be what if have a panic attack Kelly you won't be Jay will be there," I said
"Teagan I can go if you want me to," Kelly said
"Can we please talk about this later, please Kelly?" I asked getting out of the car and grabbing my bag back and getting Luna out of the truck, I walked into the locker room and put my stuff away.
"Teagan I hate when we fight Tag please talk?" Kelly asked putting his on my shoulder 
"Yes but not in here," I said
"Okay come on let's go to my quarters," He said
We walked to kelly quarters and sat on his bed and just talked 
"Hate when I feel like this Kelly I feel helpless Kelly," I said
"Teagan you're not helpless," he said
"Will go with me to the district attorney Kelly?" I asked
"Teagan if you what me to I will," He said
Shift was slow today truck got called out a couple of times same ambo and Squad after shift me and Kelly dropped off  Luna at the apartment before we head to the district attorney office it was nice having him with going me.
"Hey, are you sure you're ready to do this?" Kelly asked me as we walked in
"Yeah, with you by my side I can do anything," I said
After I met with the district attorney, we went over to Jay's so he could help me prepare and by that I mean tell me what do when I start getting questions about what happened to me so I wouldn't have a panic attack on the stand or faint or run out of the courtroom or anything else that I could do when I start panicking. I was pulled out of my thought's when Kelly put the car in park outside of Jay's apartment and grabbed my hand.
"Hey, pumpkin what is going in your head?" He asked me 
He did call me pumpkin very often. He only did it when he was really worried about me which was not often. He worries about me but he has been really worried since I told him I had to go on the stand which I have never done before.
"That anything could happen while im the stand like could have a panic attack or faint or just run out of the courtroom," I said
"Hey Jay going to be there with you and I can be there if you want me to Teagan," he said rubbing small circles on the back of my hand
"I know it just I have testified against them," I said
"Hey working on arson cases I know it not the same thing because you're testifying against your ex and his sister. But it's scary to be up there even when you have done it before," He said
We got out of the car and walked up to Jay's apartment and used my key to get in but before we could we heard gunshots and screaming me and Kelly looked at each other before running back down the and to where the gunshots were coming from with Jay following behind us when we arrived at the scene there where still shots being fired and then tires screeching I felt a pain in my shoulder but I didn't pay attention to it I had to help the other people that where bleeding
PROV Jay          
I heard the gunshots and grabbed my gun and badge when I walked out of my apartment I saw Kelly and Teagan running to the shots where coming from I followed them. When we got there tires screeching away from the scene. I looked over towards Teagan to see her on the ground holding her shoulder.
"Kelly," I yelled running over to Teagan
"Teagan I need to get the bullet out Teagan but it going to hurt," I said
"Kelly I know Teagan keeps a first aid kit in her pursue," I said once Kelly came over to me 
"Yeah okay, what you need Jay?" he asked
"Okay I need something to clean the wound," I said
Once Kelly gave me what I need I could hear the ambulance sirens coming. Teagan was holding Kelly's hand.
"Teagan I need you to take a deep breath and when I say so you need to exhale," I said
She nodded and then I took the bullet out Teagan scream could be heard when I took it out
"Kelly we need to wrap it so when she gets to med Will can give her stitches. But little did I know this was a hit on my sister so she couldn't testify against Kipp and his sister. Once we got to Med I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked behind me to see doctor Choi 
"Were you the one who took the bullet out of Teagan's shoulder?" He asked
"Yeah please say didn't do any damage," I said
"No, you saved her life if she would have moved her shoulder anymore. She would have blood out," He said
"Wait so I saved my sister's life by doing that. I just knew it was near an artery and I had to get out," I said
"Well you did good," He said
"Thanks," I said
I walked over to Will to ask where Teagan was. When walked over to him he had a look of you are the best but you are stupid on his face
"Where is she?" I asked him
"Room 103," He said
"Hey and hm you saved her you know that right," He said
"Yeah," I said walking to her room
Once I got there I saw Kelly holding her hand. I wanted to go in but I couldn't she almost died and I had to get to the district to see was on the case I need to know who was on the case. I walked out to my truck and got in and slid my hand down my face and started my truck. Once at the district, I walked up into the 21st and opened the door, and walked and over two the intelligence but was stopped by Trudy.
"Halstead what are you doing here? You start back tomorrow," She said
 "Hmm there was shooting near my apartment and well Teagan was shot in the shoulder," I said
"Oh my gosh is she okay?" She asked
"Yeah I saved her life I guess at least that what I've been told by both Choi and Will," I said
 "Oh well if that what there saying then it probably true," She said
I walked up the stairs and saw everyone there working on a case Hank saw me and walked over to me
"Jay I need to see you in my office," Hank said
I followed him into his office and closed the door behind me
"Okay so were taking the case of shooting that shot Teagan and were going to need your help Jay," He said
"Good I was coming up to ask if I could if you guys had the case," I said
The next day we're still all there when Mouse came up with something in his hand
"Mouse do you from the lab?" Hank asked
"The bullet that shot Teagan and the bullet that shot the others weren't the same it looks like someone took an opportunity to try and kill her, but the bullet that hit Teagan came from a sniper rifle. This was hit probably yours truly one Kipp Anderson to try to shut her up," Mouse said
"Okay wait but me and Kelly were there too so why didn't he hit all three of us because I can and so can Kelly about what happened to her so why not take all three of us out?" I asked
"Well it could be that Teagan is the one that this happened to so her testimony is the most important," Hailey said
"If this was a hit I what a patrol on her at all times with one of you with them," Voight said
"Mouse your with patrol at all times Teagan trust you like a brother and we need Jay here he knows the most about why," Hank said
"Yep okay I will meet patrol at the hospital," Mouse said
"Mouse take care of her," I said
"I will Jay," He said
PROV Teagan
Me and Kelly were talking about the wedding when Mouse came into my room.
"Mouse what are you doing here?" I asked
"Hm well im here on official business," He said
"As a brother or as a cop?" Kelly asked hesitating at the word brother
"Hm cop," Mouse said
"What is it," I asked
Will came with my discharge papers and handing them to me with a pen I signed them and got up and Kelly helped me put on my jacket and put his arm around my waist
"Hey Mouse so what are doing here?" I asked
"Well, it seems like you were shot with a sniper rifle bullet while the others 9mliter," he said
"Wait so you saying that someone is trying to kill me?" I asked starting to panic 
"Pumpkin no is going to hurt you okay," Kelly said hugging
"Hey guys this is cute but guys we need to get the district," Mouse said
Once we all got to the district Jay was waiting downstairs I walked over to him
"Hey thanks for saving my life," I said
"Well, what are brothers for?" He asked
"To scare the crap out of there sister or push them down the stairs but I don't remember saving your sisters life in that description," Mouse said
"Oh don't forget comforting them in the description," Kelly said
"Okay, first I think they should add saving her life in there," Jay said opening the door for intelligence
"Look she alive," was the first thing we heard
"Yeah im not that easy to get rid of Kevin beside I think Kelly wants me to make it to the wedding," I said
"I would like that," Kelly said
Hank soon came out of his office 
"Teagan you're not going to like this but because someone did try to kill you. There will be a patrol outside your apartment at all times and inside Mouse and Rojos now your not going to like this part either but tell the trial I want you here every day Teagan," Hank said
"Jay," I said looking at him
"Teagan I can't do anything Teagan," Jay said
"So im just suppose to ack like im not being followed by Mouse and Hailey I like Hailey I would just feel better knowing you're there," I said
"Okay so Jay you're on Teagan detail with Mouse," Hank said
"Now what?" I asked
"You guys go home," Hank said
Once we got home and walked through the door the tears that I had been holding in started to fall down my face 
"Teagan what wrong?" Kelly asked hugging
"There s hit out on I don't everyone that I care about getting hurt especially, you Kelly if anything ever happened to you Kelly I don't what I would do," I said
"Teagan nothing going to happen to me Teg," He said kissing me then Jay and Mouse walked in
"Hey Kelly, what you going to do with that dessert?" Jay asked 
Mine and Mouses mouths both dropped Jay and Kelly started laughing
"Jay no not funny at all," I said
"What Kelly told me to say that if I ever saw you guys kissing," Jay said
"That's just not right," Mouse said
"Yeah no, it is not," I said
"Yeah mean you done some pretty mean things to her to her this one is just messed up," Mouse said
"Okay yes not my best idea or good planning," Jay said
"But he did get you to smile," Kelly said
"Which is something I haven't seen since I've been here," Mouse said
"Okay well that not true I smiled when Kelly purposed," I said
"Well was I there, No I was not," Mouse said
"Okay well, I've had a lot on my mind. Okay wait did smile when walked intelligence," I said
"That was a sad smile sis," Mouse said
"Honestly I don't know-how Jay put up with you sometimes?" I asked
"Teagan we should get you for that trail so no anxiety take over when they start asking you questions," Jay said
"Yeah we kinda didn't get to that yesterday did we," I said
9 hours later
I was ready for the trial and to help two phycho away for good
"Now one Halstead is  some anger out after seeing Kipp next week," I said
"If we do we can't tell Will," Jay said
"Tell Will what?" Kelly asked sitting down next to me 
"We might do some boxing next week," I said
"Yeah don't tell Will," Kelly said
"He would kill us and say Teagan was shot just last and hasn't been cleared for duty yet and that is what he would say," I said
"Okay so does this work now you guys just stay out here while me and Kelly sleep?" I asked
"I mean yeah we kinda have to," Jay said
4 days later 
I was on the phone with Kelly
"Hey how the trial," Kelly asked me 
"I mean wasn't fun but I think they're going away," I said
" Hey well, maybe we could separate," Kelly said

"Yeah well maybe we can we could also separate getting engaged," I said
"Well, that could be fun,"  Kelly said
"Yeah," I said
"And I can make dinner for us," He said

"Hey I got to go Jays coming," I said
"Okay bye, I love you,"

  "I love you too," Kelly said before we hung up

Jay came over to me

"You want me to take you to the firehouse?" he asked
"Yeah I want to see Kelly," I said
"Okay let's go," He said
  It had been a few days since they caught the guy who shot turn out it was not a hit just helping the guys in the car so not a hit, and then there was wedding planning which fun. Once we arrived I got out of Jay's truck. I walked in
"Teagan can't handle Matt and Gallo anymore. When are you coming back Teagan? Please," Stella said
"I'm coming in two shifts," I said
"Please help?" Stella asked
"Stella you can handle it but I got to go find Kelly. Do you know where here he is?" I asked
"Last time I saw him he was in his quarters," She said
"Thank you," I said
I started walking toward his quarters when I was stopped by Matt and Gallo
"Okay, what is it?" I asked
"Will please tell Matt that I was playing the card game right and he was playing it wrong," Gallo said
"No I was playing it right," Matt argued 
"Okay, what game were you guys playing?" I asked
"Cards against humanity," Gallo said
"That game ruins friendships. Once me, Jay, Maddie, Kelly, Mouse, and Will played Unstable Unicorn. Next time badges aloud." I said
"But I need to talk to Kelly. So we will figure this when I come back" I said
"Fine," Gallo said
"They are crazy," I said to myself
Once I got to Kelly's quarters I opened and walked in and lied down on the bed and sighed 
"What was that about?" Kelly asked
"Matt and Gallo are crazy," I said
"You just now found that out," he said
"No I know it already but they are fighting over a game," I said
"And that why didn't play with them," He said
"Smart," I said
"So now what are you going to do?" He asked
"Hope Macho and Herman aren't fighting when I get back," I said
"Well, you never know,"
"And if they are no way im sitting in the common room I will on the back of the truck with Stella," I said
"Well that is a good idea," He said sitting next to me
"But how was your day?" He asked
"I might not sleep tonight," I said
"Pumpkin you can't just sleep," He said
I smiled when he said my nickname
"What?" He asked
"I just like when you call me that," I said
"Well then maybe I'll call you that more often," He said
"Hey well shift is almost over so I think you should get ready to leave," I said kissing him
"Yeah I should," He said kissing me back
I walked back to the common room to see Gallo and Ritter talking
"Anything new in the land of love?" I asked
"Well, Gallo likes a girl over at 20. But is too scared to ask her out," Ritter said
"Okay so Gallo is having girl trouble," I said
"Yep he is," Ritter said
"And you have to bring that guy of your's over so I can meet him," I said in a motherly tone
"Yes mom I will," Ritter said with a smile
"Ritter im old enough to be your sister," I said
"What about you and Kelly?" Gallo asked
"Well hm wedding planning were good," I said
"And now what about Kipp and his sister?" Ritter asked
"Well they should be going away for a long time I read the charges and here are just a few Kidnapping, attempted murder, harassment, and that's just a few of mean charges oh and thearting to kill a cop," I said
"Wow that is a lot," Ritter said
"Wait who this Kipp?" Gallo asked
"Oh, my very bad ex-fiancee," I said
"Oh yeah so bad both me and Jay wanted to Kill," Kelly said coming in
"Okay well we should get going," I said
"Bye guys," I said
"Hey, so what were guys talking about?" Kelly asked
 "Life," I said
"Hey, are you okay? I heard Gallo ask you about Kipp," Kelly asked
"Yeah im good," I said

Authors Note
Okay so now that is the last of the Andersons. The next few chapters are going to Teagan's relationship with everyone at Fire and PD just so there is that, and there will be more Mouse and Teagan as you can see there really close. I will do a flashback to when her and Mouse did meet for the first time and how he reacted to finding that she was being abused by Kipp.      

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