Smoke an Fire

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When I woke up this morning I had a bad feeling about today. When looked at the time I saw it was 7:00 am for once I woke up before my alarm I could shower before Kelly for once since I moved with about him about 4 months ago.
I was in the common room when we were called. My heart almost broke when I head the for my apartment building be said. When we arrived people were coming out but I couldn't see my elderly neighbor Ms. Smith she was in her 80s I would help ran over Kelly "KELLY  I don't see Ms. Smith" I said worried "okay Halstead go with Cruz and Capp" he said did as he when up to my floor all most everyone. " Cruz and Capp I need help with her" I yell looking at ms. Smith on the ground of her apartment once we got out and the engine was putting the fire Ms. Smith did have pules I  started doing CPR before Kelly pulled me away. "Teagan she's gone you can't do anything," Kelly said hugging me "NO Kelly she can't be," I said starting to cry even though I had only known her 8 months she was like family. "Teagan does she have any kid," Kelly asked "yes but they live out of state have her daughter's number," I said "okay once we get back I'm going to have you call her okay Teg" Once back at the 51 I saw my brother's truck. When I got out of the truck I did want to talk to him I need to call
Ms. Smiths daughter first
Skip call
When I walked out of the I saw my brother we talked about what happened. Before I got in my truck Kelly asked me if I want to go by my apartment building to see if any is my stuff is salvageable. I nodded my head there were a few things that where thank God half of my clothes were at Adams.
                                                                                  End flashback

I got to the bathroom room just before Kelly opened his bedroom "ha you snooze you lose Kelly" I said closing the bathroom door after I took my shower I got dressed before adam knocked on the door if we couldn't get coffee together he would come over and hang before he had to go Kelly didn't mind it.
PROV Kelly
When getting out of the bathroom I could hear Tegan and Adam talking about date night which I wasn't a big fan of cause well I liked her but she was in a relationship with Adam so couldn't tell her I felt about her.
Prov Teagen
"Okay Adam are going tell me were going," I asked "Nope it a surprise," he said for the millionth time this week "Well got to the to the district early today," he said "So I don't get my morning kiss babe," I said "No you do," he said before he kissed me and left. 
Just then my phone dinged
Good morning just wanted to see how my sister is doing today.
Well her boyfriend just left so I would say she doing good.
Okay bye, love you.
Love you too
"Teg your still driving squad for the next few shifts cause Cruz is still sick," Kelly said as he came into the kitchen
"Okay I got to go grab my bag," I said walking toward my room

At the firehouse
I grabbed my from the backseat of my truck and made my way into the locker room saw Stella sitting on the bench by our lookers when walked Stella looked up
"Any plans for 31 birthday?" She asked
"no probably just going to watch Disney movies you can join if you want to," I said opening my looker 
"Stella for some reason every time me Jay and Will plan something one of us is working, not to mention we were born two days before Halloween, crazy happens on the week of Halloween so no thanks we all agreed not do anything on that night," I said closing my looker
"is Adam going to take you on a date or he going sit with and watch Halloweentown with you," she said
"Okay yes," I said But we were quickly interrupted by dispatch  Squad 3 Truck 81 building fire 2126 W (made up the street)
"Okay guys let's go," Chief said as we geared up 
 "that my dad's building I hope he not home," I thought to myself.  when we arrived on the scene there a lot of fire trucks already getting people out of the building.
"Chief my dad live on 23," I said walking over to him "okay but I need you to do your job we will get him out" 

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