Daminette ~ New Me

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This school year for Francis Dupont was a rollercoaster. First, there was new heroes named Chat Noir and there was a magical terrorist that got his powers from negative emotions. Then, the school got the famous model, Adrien Agreste, to come to their school. It really boosted their popularity. The most popular girl there, Marinette Dupain-Cheng, had an obvious crush on Adrien, which everyone but the boy knew, but they remained friends. Marinette had met Jagged Stone and they still contact with each other. After all of those things, a girl named Lila had came into their lives. She said some stories and after an akumatization with Volpina, which no one knows who it was, she just left. Marinette was happy because she knew the girl was a liar.

Almost everyone in Mrs. Bustier's class was exposed in the latest biggest battle between Hawkmoth and Ladybug and Chat Noir. It was shocking to find out after the battle. But after that, Chloe had been sent somewhere else, so that meant that Sabrina had no one to talk to. The class quickly became her friend and let bygones be bygones. But then Lila just had to come back. The only difference this time was that Lila was there to stay. Yeah, she remembered that threat she made to Marinette not to long ago, so she went by it. She started telling her friends all the horrible things Marinette did to her, with proof. A few crocodile tears later, and they weren't friends with Marinette anymore. So Marinette went from being the most popular in the school to the most pathetic and lonely in the school. But what none of them noticed is that she really didn't care.

At the end of the year, her Nona had offered to take her to the states. How could she saw no to that offer? She had literally no friends there, bar her famous friends plus Luka. She didn't consider Chat Noir her friend when he wouldn't listen to her during akuma attacks. It was a good thing that they defeated Hawkmoth and she took away Chat's miraculous.

While she was in the states, she stayed with a family friend and the family he was living with. The man's name was Alfred Pennyworth and she loved the man. According to him, he was the only one in the house that could actually make a meal in the kitchen. One, since he was the only one not banned from it, and two, he could actually make things to eat without destroying the kitchen. The two shared recipes and Marinette always talked to him when she needed to be around someone sane.

She liked the boys. Dick had a sense of humor and taught her how to keep her balance because curse her clumsiness. Jason had gotten her to sneak out of the manor some days just to have fun around the city and secretly gave the girl self defense classes. Tim, after her request, taught her about running your own business.

But Damian? The boy was a lot rude and bluntly honest. Something about that made her heart beat faster and her face turn red when the two were alone. She discovered that she had a crush on the boy a week after meeting him. But it wasn't like the one she used to have with Adrien. Even if she wanted to be in a relationship with him, she was happy enough to stay friends with him, and according to his siblings, that is a huge accomplishment. He basically had very few friends his age. Damian may or may not have had a crush on the girl also.

In the middle of the summer, she figured out their secret. After a long talk about keeping their secret and her sharing her secret, the only person they had to keep their secret from in the manor was Marinette's Nona, but she was usually out during the day.

So while Marinette's Nona was gone, Dick taught Marinette some flips, Tim taught her how to hack, and Jason, secretly, taught her how to shoot a gun and how to dismantle it. Damian got some one on one time with Marinette. Sometimes they would enjoy each other's presence, the other would be sparing. Tikki was able to fly around the manor without being cooped up in Marinette's room the whole time.

Damian and Marinette got together about a month after her staying with them. The only thing they didn't do was tell Damian's family, so it was funny to watch their reactions to Marinette laying on his lap and him playing with her hair. They eventually got it sooner or later with the help of Alfred. On one of the two's dates, Marinette spotted a familiar head and went to see who it was.

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