Adrinette ~ First Burn

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So like, this is like one of my favorite songs at the moment, and though of something with it. So like, to have this make sense, I'm going to make Kagami Marinette's sister.

The fire crackling from the fireplace was the only sound in the room. Lights dimmed, it shined on the only person in the room, who was silently packing her things up. Pictures that were once up were now faced down on the desk in the office, not wanting to see what was once a happy time. Her name plaque was turned to face the opposite direction of her, not wanting to remember her last name.

In the middle of putting things into her bag, the door opened. Coming into the room, a sheepish Adrien Agreste walked through the door. Closing the door behind him, he looked towards her, Marinette, with hopefulness and understanding in his eyes. "Hey Mari." He said after a moment of silence.

"Don't." Marinette said, stopping what she was doing to glare at him. Ignoring him, she goes back to packing her things.

"Marinette." Adrien says instead. "It seems like you saw what I said to the news." He said out. "But you have to understand, someone I was working with threatened to tell you and everyone that I was sleeping with Lila I didn't give him a thousand euros each day." Adrien explained. "So I just thought instead of doing that, I could take away his blackmail and admit it to the news station."

Marinette, who wasn't listening to his explanation, opened a drawer, which was filled with papers. Taking the stack, she held it in her hand and read the one on top. "I saved every letter you wrote me from the moment I saw you." Marinette whispered. Adrien just looks confused at what she was talking about. "From the notes we passed in college, to the love letters we gave each other in college, and the notes we took together in university. Whatever we did together, I saved it to cherish it." Adrien just looks at her. "I knew you were mine. You said you were mine." Marinette spat the last sentence out bitterly. "I thought you were mine." Marinette muttered to herself.

The papers in hand, she goes to the fireplace in her office, takes a portion of the papers in her hand and drops it in the fire. The flames become bigger for a moment before taming down, though Adrien flinched all the same. "Do you know what Kagami said when I told her what you'd done?" Though she couldn't see him, she could take a guess that his eyes widened. When Marinette didn't hear an answer, she continued talking, though facing the fire instead of him. "She said, 'you have married an Icarus. He has flown too close to the sun.'" Marinette told him. Though she didn't know what it meant, she knew he did, with the extra schooling him and Kagami had.

Adrien, for the first time, took a step towards Marinette. Before he could take another, Marinette turned around and faced him, a glare directed at him. "Don't take another step in my direction. I can't be trusted around you." Marinette warned. "Don't think you can talk your way into my arms." When she saw that he didn't move again, she turned back around.

"What are you doing?" Adrien asked in the tense atmosphere.

"I'm burning the letters you wrote me." Marinette informed him, wanting him to know what she's doing with the things she had cherished for years. "You can stand over there if you want." Marinette spat. Adrien didn't move though.

Marinette, when she had calmed down enough to not do something to him, turned around and placed the papers on the desk. "I don't even know who you are. I have so much to learn." She told him, honestly. Before he spoke, she continued. "I'm re-reading your letters and watching them burn. Because clearly, the things you've told me over the years have been lies." Taking another part of the stack, she threw it in the fire, and just like previously, the fire grew bigger.

"Marinette, don't you think you're taking things a bit too far?" Adrien asked quietly.

"Adrien," She said, slamming her hand onto the desk. The room was silent, waiting for her to speak. "You published the messages she wrote you. And the ones you wrote in return! You told the whole world how you brought this girl into our bed." Marinettte said slowly, but he didn't seem to get it yet. "In clearing your name, you have ruined our lives." Marinette told him.

Adrien was about to protest, but Marinette continued. "Heaven forbid someone whisper 'He's part of some scheme.' Your enemy whispers so you have to scream!" Marinette went on. "Just because of you, I will now have to go through people invading my personal space and asking me personal questions just because of something you did! I'm going to have to get one of my friends to do outside things for me because people don't know how to let someone grieve without letting reminding them what they should move one from. As for you, the only reason why you're still not shunned by everyone is because of me. Everyone knows of your father and his deeds and because I told them to give you a chance because you weren't your father, you go and do this stupid shit." Marinette all but yells.

"But if they were just whispers, they would eventually become something big and everyone would know. I was just doing it to not lose money and to have it over with." Adrien tries to defend himself.

"I know about whispers. Do you remember our lycee days where Lila would lie?" Adrien gave her a nod. "No one but our class believed her because they all knew of her falsehood. It wouldn't have become that big. And you could have admitted to me your misdeeds. Sure I would be upset, but this wouldn't be worldwide and your reputation wouldn't be ruined." Marinette said, calmly.

Adrien, though scared, continued to speak. "At least we know for next time?" He tried.

"There won't be a next time." Marinette told him, taking some more of their letters and putting them in the almost burnt out fire. Adrien looked offended at her words.

"Why not? Don't tell me you're going to divorce me because of this one mistake?" Adrien asked in disbelief.

"A mistake you made over and over and over again. You clearly don't learn. And I know you won't stop because I see the way you look at my sister." Marinette told him. Adrien, once again, was about to argue with her about his actions, but she wouldn't let him. "Don't. I'm not naive. I have seen women around you. Don't think I don't see how they fall for your charms." Marinette said, getting closer and closer to him.

"What are you going to do then?" Adrien asked, moving on from their conversation.

"I'm removing myself from the internet. Let everyone wonder how I reacted when you broke my heart." Adrien didn't understand, but he didn't understand anything they were talking about. Marinette went back to the desk and threw the last pieces of paper into the fire. Taking her bag in hand, she walked towards the door pushing Adrien out of the way.

"Marinette." Adrien said.

Marinettte opened the closed door and looked back at him, tears finally falling from her face. "It's Ms. Tsurugi to you." She said before slamming the door behind her.

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