raph - pov

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These are lyrics from the song 'pov' by Ariana grande. Stream positions the album y'all, it's so good.

If you listen to pov in reverb and slowed you'll be in love.

Requests will be out soon. Sorry for the wait.

I wanna love me

Raph was the insecure out of the four. Leo seemed proud in everything he did. Donnie with his intelligence and sarcasm. As Mikey, Mikey was always sure of anything; even if he was wrong.
Raph stared at himself in the mirror every morning, asking why he had to be a mutant. Sure, it had its advantages, but he yearned to become human. Be normal. The constant hiding, crying, mental exhaustion it took on him was too much.

The way that you love me

His girlfriend was accepting. Of everything he was. Every single detail.

For all of my pretty, and all of my ugly too

She just was a ray of sunshine in Raph's miserable life. His brothers thought she was a god send, just for the red masked turtle. Honestly, she agreed. If it were to help someone be confident in who they are, she's happy.

I'd love to see me from your point of view

He would point at his flaws and just have terrible moods because of it. The red clad tried his hardest to not take it out on his brothers. Sometimes when he gets angry, he's blinded. Doesn't remember who he is. Just the constant feeling of frustration and stress blinded his vision.

I wanna trust me

For days that the turtle felt really low and angry, he would lock himself in his room. He was scared. For years, his anger drove him away from his brothers. Hurting them was his fear. He almost broke Mikey's arm once. The white in his eyes cleared, his anger subsided, he saw what was happening.
Letting go of his arm, he took a couple steps away from his family who tried to stop him from breaking a bone. With a gulp that was hard to swallow, the hatred for himself intensified. "I- I didn't mean to. I swear!"

Mikey forgave him being the understanding soul he was. Leo gave a warning while Don was a bit silent on the whole situation, feeling uneasy. Splinter tried comforting him, but he pulled his arm back, walking backwards even more before running into his room. "I don't want to hurt you too."

The way that you trust me

Y/n came by that day, a smile never leaving her face. That was until she realized that her boyfriend wasn't in the living room. After greeting the family, she went to his room. Opening it since Raph wasn't allowed to have a lock anymore. Splinter was scared something would happen to his son.
Honestly, the turtle understood. "Baby?" She asked.

"I don't want to hurt you too," he cried in his knees. He curled his knees to his chest, hugging them tight.

The girl frowned, her heart growing heavy as it felt what he was going through.

"You won't hurt me, I know you won't." She walked closer after closing the door to sit down on the bed with him and wrapped her arm around him.

'Cause nobody ever love me like you do

She was aware of the challenges she was going to face if Raph was her partner. She loved him too much to just walk away because of anger issues. As much as the turtle went through in his mind, he tried his absolute hardest to be happy. Just for her.
What did she see in him? What was so appealing to her?

There was nothing to love. Not his personality, his looks, certainly not his intelligence. He wasn't even funny; never cracked any jokes.
But that was what he thought. What runs through her mind when she looks at him?

Lifting his head, she wiped his tears. Some tears went down her face. If she could take all of his insecurities, she would in an instant. Raph's curiosity made him forget what he was sad about.

With a dry gulp from his worn out throat, he cleared it to ask her a question.

"What do you see in me?"

I'd love to see me from your point of view

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