michelangelo - joy

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Y/n was on vacation.

That crushed Mikey's spirit.

His summer was left mourning, playing video games and training for fun. For fun!
He tried to occupy himself the most he could but two months without his sweetheart hurt.

"She's only gone for a couple of months, Mike," his brother said, licking his finger before flipping a page through his comic.

"You don't understand, Raph. I really miss her," he whined, upside down on the sofa. He placed the controller down, and just felt empty. He never knew he could be so attached to someone at eighteen, especially in his state. He's a walking turtle humanoid. But his heart longed for her, and he was unaware that she was also longing for his presence.
The trip was unexpected for the both of them since they made plans. But Y/n graduated high school this year and her family booked her a surprise flight to celebrate. Although Y/n was happy at the moment she realized after that she would be leaving her boyfriend. Breaking the ice to Mikey was a hard task and it was hard to deal with after.

"It's not that serious," Raph commented, flipping through the pages of his comic. "When did she say she was coming back?"

"Two weeks from now," he said in a sad tone. His patience already ran out three days after she had left. He thought he could busy himself in other things, but he didn't realize how attached he was to her until she was actually gone. Not a call away, not a ten minute building jumping away, not an arms length away. More than 400 miles away from him.

"C'mon, Mikey, you have to enjoy your own company."

"I can't," he groaned upside down. "My cupcake isn't here."

Raph raised a non-existent brow. "Cupc-?" He shook his head and stayed quiet. It was better to stay out of Mikey's head. He had to stay sane if Mikey attempted to drive all the way to Europe using the Shellrazor.


Donatello was not happy when he found out his younger brother's plan.

"Ready to train, little brother," Leo called, stretching his limbs out. This was the consequence of asking Leonardo once that he wanted to train to get his mind off of his girlfriend. It became a daily thing and Mikey kind of grew to training with his brother. He even learned how to use a katana.

Sort of.

Of course each of them had some idea to use each other's weapon for desperate measures but Michelangelo was beginning to master it. The same way he mastered nunchucks.

But the feeling without Y/n hit him like a truck that morning and he didn't want to do anything. It was stupid for it to affect him like this but it was how he felt. They started dating three years back and this was the first time they were separated for this long.

Nonetheless, he needed something to do. It was in his nature. He let out a small sound of confirmation and stood up, following his older brother to the dojo.

Only two more weeks.

Then he would feel joy again.

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