leonardo - visit

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Another early release for y'all. also thank you all for the comments and love i have been getting. as you can see, tmnt imagines is going through a lil revamp. and yes, a request page will be up soon for the celebration of 100k reads! some of you guys wanted a contest as well and we can do both! i just...need time lol. 

His feet dragged across the lair.

Sliding against the abandoned train station's floor. Exhaustion was the only thing he felt in his body. Fighting, training, sleeping and barely eating was what he ran on for the past couple of months. If he was honest, it burnt him out a lot. Somedays he couldn't see straight, couldn't stand still, his training stopped getting praised and received more criticism from Splinter than ever.

It was to the point where the other three turtles kept a tally to be funny and to annoy Leonardo —because isn't having siblings the best gift in the world?!— but after a few days, it was just daunting to see on the wall. They grew to feel bad about it and took it down, but it didn't matter, the blue turtle always kept a tally in his head. He would beat his record every single day. No matter if it was his worst day or if he felt a bit better, the number of corrections always increased.
It stressed him out to no end.

Finally, he was able to get some sleep that night. A well deserved sleep may I add. The next couple of days had no training and Donatello was testing out a new system to see where crime would be, minimizing the time for them to be out on patrol if they were not up for it. Besides, Raphael loved a good patrol, jumping building to building, the wind blowing against his skin and through the tails of his mask. It was the way he coped.
Leonardo was slightly similar, however, he needed to heal. He needed this two day break. It wasn't long, but it was enough for him.

He had just entered his room when his girlfriend texted him. She had been supportive of him this entire time. Even though they only saw each other twice in the past month, she understood.

my friends all had to cancel yesterday for out weekly movie night :(
we rescheduled it for sunday
im going to watch mall cop 2 all by myself with all of these snacks :p

*inserts pic of her feet on the coffee table and the snacks laid all over it*

why do you have that many snacks?

welllll one was actually supposed to come but her car broke down
like legit broke into p i e c e s
we keep on telling her to buy a new car but she refuses

oh the one that has the car that runs on sunflower oil?
i have always found her odd

we all do
we tell her this and she just shrugs because she knows
love her nonetheless tho

so...ur by urself?

not unless you count dave

who's dave?
a new friend?

nah we go way back actually


yea he is the monster that lives under my bed
we are gonna drink a couple energy drinks and start living the life

i was thinking of coming over but if dave is the one you want to watch movies with then thats fine

Now...he wasn't at all thinking of coming over. His bed begged to be used for its purpose rather than being used to collect dust. Just only being used for less than three hours a night. It made it feel not needed. How sad. Although, Leonardo Internally spoke, the thought of being at his girlfriend's house seemed nice. A smile grew on his mouth at the reply he got, a small snicker at her humour.

srsly pls do <3

omw <3


Despite the lethargic jumps he made from across one building to another, he made it to her house with little to no problem. Well, a little problem is the best to sum it all up. Once he dropped onto her balcony one of her fake plants fell. It did not help that she lived on the ninth floor. Good thing it wasn't real, and for the fact that she didn't like it much.
On a good day, none of the plants around him would've waved a leaf. His balance and agility wasn't up to par. He criticized himself and knocked on the window.

A couple of moments passed before he heard footsteps coming in and Kevin James was screaming in the background. It was the light in her features and the big smile she had was what reminded him of why he loved to visit her.

Someone was just excited to see him, as if he had a place to call home as well. She opened the window, rushing him to come inside. Once he did, she closed the window and the curtains, just to turn around, grab his face, and kiss the life out of him.

They hadn't seen each other in three weeks and it was three weeks too long. Leonardo sighed in the kiss, a relief taking over his body. His limbs went slightly limp as if a masseuse had came to message the knots in his muscles. He knows that this is what his heart and mind wants. Just to be in her arms forever. He broke the kiss, tightening the grip around her and holding her close. Loving how she just molded into his body beautifully. The love he had for her made his heart full of joy.

"I missed you so much," he mumbled into her neck, his breath against her skin. She giggled, pressing a soft side kiss to his temple.

"I missed you more. Come! Let's watch." He protested a bit, feeling more comfortable to be in the position he was in.

Y/n sat on the couch and Leonardo rested his head on her lap, a comfortable position they both found. Not even five minutes later, she couldn't hear a sound from him. No laughs, no huffs, no complaints. She asked him if he wanted her to change the movie but again, silence. With a raised brow, she looked at the turtle and realized that he was fast asleep.

A small comforting grin bloomed on her face, knowing how stressed he was and she was glad that he was able to rest comfortably. Y/n grabbed a blanket from the couch and rested it on him.

She lowered the volume of the movie and continued to watch.

This was way better than a girls night.

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