turtle roulette - leo

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So this was inspired by a book idea I might do. this is kinda an AU kinda not.

Leo was a curious turtle.

Only curious to where his heart led him to.

It was a normal patrol and everyone had went separate ways since things decided to calm down. If it were still in danger they would obviously stick together.
He looked out from rooftops. Jumping, hiding. Doing what he normal did during patrol.

That was until he saw someone leave an abandoned building across the street. Dressed all in red. Which was weird because no one would dress up unless it was Halloween. New Yorkers tend to be a bit more uptight. A few seconds later, the building exploded into flames. People were screaming and ran away.
Leo followed his gaze to where the mysterious guy had went. They were standing in an alleyway, hiding their mouth behind their hand as their shoulders moved slightly. They were laughing. Which meant they caused this.

Leo was not going to let that slide.

The guy went up to the building and Leo followed. The guy noticed that Leo was following them. They smirked under their mask that beautifully covered their nose and mouth. Their clothing was a bit loose, hard to see their body to know the gender, as Leo automatically assumed was a man.
Loose clothing wasn't ideal for someone trying to get away. That was why wearing tighter fit clothing worked better.
Some differed.

Like them.

Because they got away with anything because of the screw up of genders.
It worked marvellously. Especially on Leo.
They eventually stopped and Leo unsheathed his swords, pointing them both at the masked villain. Were they a villain?
They chuckled, "I was wondering when you would finally notice."

That statement was like wood feeding to the fire of Leo's curiosity and confusion. "You know me? How?!" He barked in anger.

"No need to get angry turtle," their eyes slit as they eyed the swords. "Put your katanas away, I'm not here to fight. I kill people, not turtles." That made Leo look at their waist that held daggers and multiple other small weapons.

Weirdly, Leo obliged, but he only put away one of his katanas. "What do you want?"

Their wicked smile under the cloth grew. They reached under behind them to which there was a smoke powder and instantly they were in front of Leo and took his katana. "Hey!" He yelled, "give it back."

They balanced it on her finger. "I told you to put it away, this is your punishment." they threw it up in the air and caught it. "To answer your question turtle, I want to play a game. Play it and you'll get your precious sword back. Back out, and another building will go off." They showed the button to the blue masked turtle to which made him gasp.

"Winner and loser?" He was going to play to which made them even happier.

"No one wins nor loses."

His t-phone rang and so he answered it. "Leo, patrol ended ten minutes ago, you're never late." Raph said in the other side of the line.

The leader sighed, "I'm dealing with this...guy who blew up a building."

"Does he need us?" Miley asked from afar, his loud voice heard through the phones.

"Do you need us?" Raph repeated.

The masked assassin shook their head. "No one else is allowed to play. Two players maximum. But..." they drawled out, "some spectators can make this interesting."

"We're coming," Raphael grunted as he heard and hung up.
Leo put the t-phone away and looked at them.

"How do we play?"

"Rules are simple onto how to win-"

"I thought there weren't any winners." He crossed his arms. The assassin paced very slowly towards him.

"We both knew you were talking about your fragile sword and the building. You're getting your katana anyways. As for the building...it depends on my mood."

"That's not fair." Their faces were close.

"Life isn't fair," they let out a small chortle. "Before I tell you how to play, I want to make one thing clear." They ripped off their mask. Leonardo's heart dropped to his stomach. "I'm a girl. Let's see how strong you are when you have an honour to keep up."

"Which one do you mean?"

"You wouldn't hit a lady now would you?" She batted her eyelash before laughing. She placed his katana upside down and leaned on it a bit.

"Now, here's how we play turtle roulette."

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