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Collins sees Veronica and runs towards her
Collins: Hey Veronica!

Roni: Hi Collins what's up?

Collins: Oh nothing just wanted to swing by to say hi

Roni: Ok oh did you see this cat meme-

Roni then gets cut off as people gasp and faint. She hears them say "omg they're so hot" "I wish I was her" "I want them"

Collins and her turn around to see Vanessa, Aaron, and Alex enter

Roni: *sigh I wish people looked at me like they do to Nessa

Collins: What are you talking about Roni you're amazing

Roni: Thanks Collins

Sierra: Omg Nessa is that your boyfriend

Nessa: Aaron? Haha no

Sierra: Oh come on he's hot and so are you. Boom perfect match

Nessa: I barely know him

Cassandra: Well you can get to know him

Nessa: I guess

Aaron: Hey Nessa!

Nessa: Huh? What is it?

Aaron: Just wondering what you're doing after school

Nessa: Um nothing really

Aaron: Do you want to come over to my place?


Alex: Sweet

The bell rings and they go to their classes.

Nessa: This doesn't make any sense

Aaron: What? Maybe I can help

Nessa: 5x+y+17x-3y=m

Aaron: Oh well all you have to do is add like terms and work from there

Nessa: Ohhhh thank you Aaron

Aaron: No problem cutie

Nessa: Huh?

Aaron: Oh I uh said no problem

Nessa: Oh ok haha

The bell rings and they go to their next classes. Nessa flirts with Aaron jokingly and he flirts back. Alex joins in on the flirting as well.

Roni: Hey Aaron

Aaron: What's up Roni?

Roni: Do you want to hang out later?

Aaron: You can come with me and Nessa if you want

Roni: Oh you're hanging out with Nessa?

Aaron: Yeah

Roni: Oh that's fine you can do that

The bells rings and they go home. Vanessa is then getting ready to hang out with Aaron

Alex: Hey big bro want to play some basketball?

Aaron: Can't I'm hanging out with Nessa?

Alex: Hey do you like her?

Aaron: She's really cute and sweet so yeah I think I do

Alex: Alright that's cool

Aaron and Alex go back to the house with nessa. They introduce her to all their roommates.

Nessa: So what do you want to do?

Alex: Do you guys want to go swimming?

Nessa: Sure

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