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Nessa: Don't look at me like that Brian. You're a...stuffed animal. Great. This is what I'll be doing forever. Consoling in a stuffed bunny.

Nessa flops down onto her bed.

Nessa: I'm going to have to find an ending to this essay soon. Which means..I have to decide.

Aaron: Hey, Roni.

Roni: Hey! Aaron. Uh di..did you need something?

Aaron: Yeah. Just came to ask if you knew where Nessa was.

Roni sighs.

Roni: She's at our house..

Aaron: Listen, I'm really sorry. I didn't-

Roni: It's ok. You can't help who you fall for.

Roni walks away and Aaron walks to Nessa's house.

Aaron: Hey. I was wondering if Nessa was here?

Paul: Yeah. She you need something?

Aaron: I'm here to ask her on a date. If that's ok with you sir.

Paul: Hm ok. You can go on a date with her.

Alex climbs through Vanessa's window.

Nessa: Ah! Alex! What are you doing?!

Alex: I came to ask you on a date.

Nessa: And you couldn't have come through the front door?

Alex: Nope. Oh and this is for you.

Alex hands her flowers.

Nessa: Aw that's actually really sweet.

Alex: So date?

Nessa: When?

Alex: Today. 7 p.m.

Nessa: Ok, sounds great.

Alex leaves through her window but falls in the bushes.

Nessa: Oh my gosh. Are you ok?!

Alex: Argh. All good.

Alex walks away.

Aaron knocks on Nessa's door.

Nessa: Hello?

Aaron: Hey, Nessa it's me.

Nessa: Oh. Hi Aaron what's up?

Aaron: I was wondering if you'd like to go on a date with me, today?

Nessa: Yeah, sure.

Aaron: Great. I'll be going now.

Nessa: I'll see you out.

Nessa walks with Aaron to the door. He hugs her.

Aaron: Bye Nessa. See you at 7.

Nessa: Bye!

Wait a minute! 7! That's my date with Alex!! Oh no what do I do. What do I do?

Roni walks in.

Nessa: Roni! I need your help!

Roni: With?

Nessa: Guys!

Roni rolls her eyes.

Roni: You don't need any help. You get every guy you like. Including the one I like!

Roni runs up the stairs.

Nessa: What?

Aaron: Hey Alex. Guess what?

Alex: Nah me first.

Aaron: No. I'll go first.

Aaron and Alex: I got a date with Nessa at 7 tonight!

Both: Wait, what?!

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