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Collins: Roni? Is it true?

Roni: Yes. No. I..I don't know.

Collins: Well I know. I don't think this is working Roni. You clearly don't like me back.

Collins walks away from everyone.

Roni: Great. Look what you did.

Nessa: What?! This isn't my fault!

Roni: If you would've just chosen a while ago!

Nessa: I don't think you understand.

Roni: I definitely do. You want both. You can't have both!

Nessa: Oh I'm so sorry Aaron likes me and not you! You have a great guy right in front of you but you can't see that!

Roni: Oh so you want him now too?!

Nessa: What?!

Roni: Oh look at me I'm Vanessa Merrell and I want every guy on earth!

Nessa: Why are you so jealous?!

Roni: Jealous?! You want to call me jealous when you are so selfish! Ones worse.

Nessa: How am I selfish?!

Roni: Every single guy you want. You want every guy and leave none for anyone else. You only think of yourself.

Nessa: Aaron doesn't like you for this reason! You're the one Lia was talking about! Why can't you see that?!

Roni: ME?! You're talking crazy!


Roni and Nessa are silent.

Alex: We are obviously not able to leave until you come to your senses so Nessa just apologize.

Nessa: What? For what?!

Alex gives her a knowing look.

Nessa: Oh.

Roni: So, you going to apologize yet?

Nessa: Yes. Im sorry for being a selfish person. I shouldn't have stolen Aaron from you. And I won't try to steal anyone else. I will make a decision.

Roni: Great. Now let's go.

Roni tries to open the door but it won't budge.

Roni: Um hello?! Why won't this door open?!

Lia: There's a reason she's the only one who can't see me.

Alex: Yeah, we got that.

Aaron: So we're basically never getting out of here?

Lia: I told y'all. You had to figure it out on your own. I warned you this place was weird.

Roni: Nessa.

Nessa: What?

Roni: Why haven't you decided?

Nessa:'s complicated...

Roni: I'm sorry for putting that pressure on you. And Collins I'm really sorry for not being honest with you. I like you a lot but-

Collins: You're not in love with me. You're in love with Aaron.

Aaron: I'm sorry Roni. You're a great girl but-

Roni: You like Nessa. I'm sorry. I'm sorry to you as well Alex.

Nessa: Yeah you're kind of caught in the middle.

Alex: Don't sweat it.

The doors open and they are let out.

Lia: Hey! Roni?

Roni: I can see you?! Hi Lia.

Lia: Don't be so rough. It's complicated.

Roni looks confused.

Why do people keep saying that? Oh well.

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