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An hour later after three blunts and two hits from the bong, the Key lime pie with a cherry twist was on the counter and we were chowing down on the food while watching Dean creep around a corner.

As I take a drink of my wine I looked to see if everyone ate enough to start in on the pie. We're all on our second or third slice of pizza and ate half of the wings. I know between smoking and drinking we're going to be eating. Getting up I go into the kitchen to start cutting the pie.

Cutting four big pieces and placing them on small plates, I place a fork on my plate and Hazens but a spoon on the others sense we have preferences we respect. Grabbing each plate two at a time; I took them out to the girls then returned to my spot to start eating my creation.

"Mm my taste buds are singing!"

"I knew you would make some bomb ass pie! Girl?! Like yes sis!"

" You did that! Okay? You put your foot in this pie, oh yes you did."

Laughing and feeling good about my pie I thanked them and said enjoy.

Half way threw eating I lit another one up. If you never smoked while eating something sweet you missing out. Blowing out I taste the ganja with the sweet lime and cherry. Closing my eyes as I take another hit making it a long drag. My thoughts start heading to earlier today at the light. Guess my mind just won't let me ignore it.

After hitting it twice more I passed it to Nena. Grabbing my phone I searched up Anthony Storm to see who the guy is. Glancing up at the TV as soon as I hit search at a scene of Sam yelling with his father, questioning why they should still listen to him.

Looking down my heart skipped a beat. The man on the picture staring back at me was the same one from earlier. Well I know I definitely won't be seeing him again . This man got so many company's and businesses it's crazy.
He even has a fashion line! But even with all the places he owns and part take in there's nothing really being said about his life. Like anything on his family or home life isn't talked about. It's strange but I guess he lives a private life away from paparazzi  and their cameras.

Noticing the blunt is back on me I take it and hit it. This will be a story to get them going. I just know it will so why prolong the wait.

" Hey pause the show and grab one each to light up. I got a little tea to spill." She sits up straight and bring her legs up to the side of her.

"Oh yeah give me a lighter someone please, cause I know it's gonna be
good, I can feel it in my bones."

"You better be glad it was right when I could pause on Sam. I can stare at his face longer."

"Is there more pie after this?"

We all turned to look at Hazen. She's almost done with her first.

"Yes there's more but after we talk. Now today has been kinda weird for me. Everything started off pretty much normal at home and when I first got to work. You know drunk mother, another random she picked up from the club." They all know how my mother is because they've witness the hell first hand of what I go through.

"At work I made cookies and pies all the pastries. We posted them on our website after a bunch of pictures." I paused making sure my blunt was still lit. After a few quick puffs I went back to telling them what bizarrely took place. "So, a few hours later as I'm working I started to feel hot all over and Mrs. Amy noticed. She felt my temp and jumped as if I'd burned her; next thing we know Gibby's fan girl screaming as he points out the window. But by the time any of us turned around all we saw was a tall, well-built man with red hair, dressed in a suit speed walking away." I paused as I take more pulls off my blunt and drink some wine.

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