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When I look around me, I wish I could say I see the best in everything and one...that's what I use to see when I was a little girl. Now not so much.😶
~•~R. I. N. R. B
~•~ copyright!

As I was wiping the tables down I started feeling real light headed. I had to sit down and breath in and out deep and slowly. Then I started feeling hot.

"Hey sweetie you okay?" Asked Mrs. Amy. "You look like your about to faint honey!"

"I feel really light headed and hot!" I don't normally whine but she's like a mother to me and I wasn't feeling to good.
At that moment I felt like I was being staired at and hard to.
I started to turn and look but then Mrs. Amy put her hand on my head, but then she yanked it back fast like she got bruned .

"Oh my God! Your bruning up. I think you need to go ho..." Then Gibby started screaming at a very high pitch starring out the window and pointing as he bounced up and down.

Everyone turned to look but all we could see was the back of a well dressed, tall, red hair, muscle man. He was speed walking away like he was rushing. But what was wired was as he was leaving I didn't feel like I was hot anymore. I felt fine besides a little weak.

Mrs. Amy turned back to me just as Gibby ran up to us with a big smile on his face and looked as if he was about to burst.
"Did you guys see him?! He is so fine!" He squealed like a complete fan girl.

"Who was that?" I asked.

"I'ma choke you I swear I will." Gibby said, and I believe he was serious. "That was Anthony Storm! The very tall, handsome, Irishman CEO of Storm Inc Company." He looked as if he was in a daze.

"Gibby?!" Mrs. Amy yelled. He snapped back into it and put his hand over his heart.

"Sorry got a little side tracked by that sexy man that just walked in. Oh gosh he's looking over here quick do something!" Mrs. Amy and I turned to see who he was talking about. A tall dark skinned man with a fresh looking cut and a suit walked in.

"He is cute." Mrs. Amy and I said at the same time. We looked at each other at the same time and said Jenkins you owe me a soda.
Knowing this could go on forever because it has previously we just turned back to Gibby and saw him blushing like mad. He was back at the counter taking the guys order. And from the looks of it the guy was checking Gibby out. He's going to get a number today I said to myself. Sure enough once the his order was in be wrote something down on a napkin. As he was leaving We walked to Gibby and gave him the "uh huh we know what you just got" look. Mrs. Amy took her hand to my forehead again. Gave a funny look and said I don't feel hot anymore.

"Thats seriously wired but I guess it was nothing serious." She said but her eyes said a different story.

I looked out the window to where Anthony Storm disappear around a corner or somewhere, and wonder what he looked like. Sense he such a big deal and all and Gibby is fan girling. I'll look him up when I get of I guess. Just to see what the fuss is about.

That's what I'm trying to convince myself but I know I'm truly curious about what his face looks like.

I felt fine for the rest of the time I was at work. We got a bunch of likes and comments about the pies I made both on our page and here at work. People wanted to know if they can order them.

That made me feel pretty good about my baking and deceration skills. I smiled for the rest of the day. Until I got home. When I got home my mother was there on the couch fucking another guy. As soon as I saw that I almost threw up in my mouth. I covered my mouth and hurried to my room. I quickly locked the door. I didn't feel like being her. I texted one of my best friends and said I'm coming over for the night. I got my over night bag and started packing. I could still hear them from my room and I was just discusted with them. When I was done packing I grabbed my bag and my bear.

As I left my room I locked it. Last time I left because of this she went in my room and we t threw my stuff and took things. I went and brought a special lock that she doesn't know about. Where the keyhole is supposed to be, there's like a little flap that clicks over it and hides the hole. You have to look very close to notice it. And there's a little button to open the flap. It was kinda exspenive but worth it. When I left I went out the back door and hurried to my car. Jumped in and threw my things in the passenger seat, started the car and took off out the drive way.

And hear I was thinking I could come home for once without her having a random in the house fucking. Well I thought wrong. Things will never change with her.

As I was on my way to Violet's house I was at a red light. And a sleek all black Mercdes Benz pulled up next to me. It was beautiful. But the windows we really tented. I turned back around in case the driver thought I was rude for staring. But I feel like I'm the only one bring stared at. It made me shiver but not in a bad want. The light was taking for ever and I was starting to feel hot like earlier at work. What is wrong with me. I glanced at the car next to me again and to my shock the passenger window was rolled down...and the driver was a man with red hair. He was flat out sexy,smexy, daddish, handsome oh my god. What was really sho king was that he was staring at me hard and breathing heavily. It looked like he was about to speak when I heard a honking behind me. I looked up and the light was green. I hurry up and pulled of towards Violet's house.

Well I have this page finish with 1134 words! Yess I'm so late with a update but I'm going through a rough time. I wanna give thanks to those who's sticking through this book with me. I want to shout out @lorieli95. I told you I would give you this lol I'm sorry for taking so long but I promise once I get my life together these updates will come more frequently. I love you guys and I'll see you next chapter 😘😝

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