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As we gathered all of Violets now ex things he's left or given her,we also decided to take the smokes and food out as well sense they have a private backyard. We set the soon to be doomed Ex items down near their fireplace pit. The food and smokes was set on the counter.
We quickly grabbed a few of the chilled bottles as well, the harder stuff.

Setting up the speaker but not to to loud. We sat down and started taking shots. Traditionally we always take 4 shots each, sense there's four of us, so that we each show that we feel where the other is coming from. Basically we feel our sisters pain.

"Aughh! Alright let's get this fire going!" Yelled Vi after tossing her shots back.

We yelled our own agreements. Getting up we each grabbed some logs for their big behind fireplace. Once tossing them on she went to her box of pictures and started taking the very first picture of them from the inside of the top. She grabbed a blunt as we all follow her lead and did as well she walked back up to the fireplace. She lit her blunt and took her long pulls to collect her thoughts.

"I've been with you for TWO years! Two years down the drain because you had to get your dick wet from someone else because I wasn't ready? Well I guess it wasn't meant to be if you kept pressuring me to give it up all the time anyway.
I can't even be mad you guys." She looks at us and just do a I should have known look.

" I wanted him because I thought he was cute but he was just another fuck boy I thought I could change." She shrugged hitting her blunt.

"Well you know what K. Michelle always say, "You can't raise no man" well a teenage boy anyways." Says Nena.

"True." They all agreed at once. She then lit the picture next to his face and then tossed it on the pit. She then grab the whole box of pictures as we sat back in our seats so she could go threw them to remind herself that she tried to be the best girlfriend she could be to him and she really was.

Violet is smart, beautiful, and very talented with a bright future just like all of us.

She met all his family six months after they started dating and his family was actually happy he didn't bring a fast tail girl this time to there family cookout. His aunties got to talking about all of his ex's to her and when she told us we couldn't help but laugh cause she said he looked so shameful at how his aunt's roasted the others.

We try to tell each other everything when we are ready to so that the others understand why we could be acting funny. An open and honest relationship is healthy especially being long time friends like we are.

Which is why we are each taking photos from her to light and burn to say goodbye for good to the past. The fire was really going now after all the photos were burning. She grab the clothes he kept here when he spent the night and we got to cutting everything up then throwing them on the fire while sing to 'Beyónce Irreplaceable'. We took a smoke and dance break for the rest of that song.

A few more shots and all those gifts he got her for anniversaries, small dates, birthday, and holidays that she didn't want were next to be set in front of her.

She took all the cards and tossed them automatically. His hand writing was really poor. He abbreviated most of his words and some of them didn't make sense untill you read it like six times.

All the fake jewelry was next because she wore them for like a week and they turned her skin so she just kept them in a box for safe keeping instead.

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