Chapter 23: Ebony

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A/N: There IS some foreshadowing in this chapter, so keep an eye open!

The word spread quickly. Ivy Nightshade had assassinated Phoenix Netherbane. They found his corpse in a pool of his own blood, red staining the sheets. Soon after, Ivy was executed by the Netherbanes.

"This is perfect," Elvira murmured. "Absolutely perfect. The Netherbane-Nightshade alliance is over. This massively increases our chance of winning!"

Napoleon sat up just a little straighter, and his face brightened with an almost child-like yearning. He, after all, had played a crucial part in this plan.

Elvira sharpened a few knives. "You guys did well," she said nonchalantly, examining her weapons like they were vendettas. "Ew, this one's rusty." She hurled it into the wall. "Can't risk getting tetanus, can we?"

"No, Empress," Napoleon and Ebony muttered at the same time, Napoleon back to wearing his usual scowl.

"Exactly. Don't want to be like my idiot sister," Elvira remarked. "Ebony. Your next mission will be in the Crystal Empire."

Ebony's head immediately swiveled towards Napoleon. They were going to be separated again?

"I'll meet you back here at two for your briefing," Elvira finished, already exiting the room. "And by the way, you guys can make out if you want. There's a room in the back."


Ebony stood at the outskirts of the empire. Wearing nothing but a flexible black catsuit, she was flanked by five others sent along with her. Keiran, a boy who possessed the ability of light manipulation. Vex, who could turn people invisible. Akiro and Aiko, silver-haired twin telepaths. And of course, Nereza Dusk.

"You ready?" Nereza asked the twins, who nodded earnestly.

Hey, it's me. Akiro's voice said in Ebony's head.

Hi. She replied.

Meanwhile, Nereza yelped in surprise, glaring at Aiko. "Girl, you could at least tell me when we're gonna hear each other's thoughts." Then she turned to Keiran. " Forget what you just saw!"

Aiko muttered an apology, but she giggled into her palm when Nereza turned away.

"Now for the hardest part. Linking everyone up," Akiro sighed.

Both the twins closed their eyes. Akiro and Aiko sang a few words of a song. When using their abilities, it helped to do something simultaneously.

Hello? Ebony? You still alive? Nereza's voice shouted in her head.

Not so loud! Vex scolded. We can hear you just fine.

"We need to secure our connection," Aiko said to Akiro. They finished humming the song.

What's that? Ebony asked.

The Ballad of Illumina. Akiro told her. You know, the one about the white moon?

No. I'm a spy, not a singer.

But now that she thought of it, she had heard it somewhere. Oh, that was it. The Spectacalites had done a dance to it. With Chrissy singing the lyrics. What had happened to Chrissy, now that she-

Let's get started, ok? Nereza growled. It's cold and I want more apple fries.

Ebony nodded, as she and the boys entered the empire.

As they slunk through the desolate streets, Keiran pushed the light around himself and Ebony away, so they were shrouded in a permanent shadow. Vex and Akiro were invisible.

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