Chapter 21: Sombra

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Sombra was used to being told no. But it was different now, as he was the all-powerful ruler of a famous empire.

He'd tried everything to get Luna back-showing her his new magic, threatening her, making her feel like he was the only one left who loved her, making her feel like there was no one left at all...but she saw through all his schemes. She was so intelligent, so stubborn.

And he loved her for that.

But he was furious at himself for treating Luna that way. Now she would never accept him, no matter what he did. You blew it.

No, you didn't. She just needs a push in the right direction. The voices in his head replied.

"Can you shut up," He groaned, pulling his blankets over his head.

Casting Nightmare Spells had sapped a lot of his energy. And doing two in such a short period of time had left him bedridden for a few days.

He hated how exposed he was. If he wanted, Napoleon Dusk could come in right now and take back the whole empire single handedly. Even "Evie" could fight her way through, and slaughter him with little effort.

Luckily, the guards, generals, and more were still mind controlled. But he had to rely on the darkness to do that for him while he was asleep. Maintaining mind control for long periods of time was an advanced skill he had yet to learn.

The thick curtains blocked out all the sunlight. He stretched, joints cracking.

"Time to get up, now," Sombra muttered to himself.

Just rest a little longer. You'll need it. The shadows argued.

His pillow was so soft....

When he finally stumbled out of bed and opened the curtains, the light nearly blinded him. "Goddammit. Stupid sunlight." Scowling, he swished the curtains shut.

He fixed his silver armor, and then donned his red cape. Now where did I put the crown? Groping around in the dark for it, he finally caught hold of the smooth crystal material.


"What? Can you leave me alone?"

You're in debt.

They whispered it over and over again. You're in debt. You're in debt.

"Can't you see I'm busy?"

We've helped you. It's time you pay us back.

"What?" He gasped. "You never told me that was part of our deal."

The darkness laughed. Do you think we'd give this to you for free?

"But I made a wish-"

You will repay us.

Sombra's head felt like it had exploded. He could barely think through the pain. He stumbled to the ground, clutching it, as if to make it stop.

Black crystals...

He realized he was still holding his crown. "Fight dark magic...with dark magic," he wheezed.

The crystal points cut through skin. Sharp, sharp pain. A contrast to the pulsing dullness festering in his brain. It distracted him ever so slightly. He barely noticed the small pool of blood beneath his head....

Then the memories started coming.

Eight years ago. The slums.

"Guess what I found!" Jet asked him, trying to hide his grin.

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