Chapter 19: Celestia

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Celestia could always tell what her sister was feeling. Perhaps she knew Luna too well, or perhaps she was naturally good at reading emotions.

And today, her sister was worried.

It must just be the stress of ruling a failing kingdom, Celestia thought to herself. Everyone expected so much of them. So much of her. Being the oldest, and apparently the nicer sister, she always had to have the answer. Be the perfect diplomat that was kind, loving, and lifted the people's spirits.

But sometimes, she didn't want to be the one who had to comfort grieving families day in, day out. Watch children starve, day in, day out. Visit dying soldiers day in, day out!

It was important. And she loved helping her people. But lying through smiles that everything was going to be ok wasn't helping them at all.

She knew what they called her behind her back. Liar. Useless. Shallow. Vapid.

Oh, Luna. You have it easy. Luna didn't know how hard it was, having to continuously sugarcoat things for people while they withered away. It was so hard to sleep at night. All the guilt just piled up on top of her until she couldn't breathe. Being Luna wouldn't be so bad.

No, don't think like that, Celestia chided herself. Luna had her own set of equally challenging problems to deal with. Being constantly pushed aside and not taken seriously, if noticed at all. Celestia couldn't bear the thought. No heads turning when I walk into a room? Insane.

She knew that Luna envied her for many things. But envy went both ways. And if there was one thing Celestia envied her sister for, it was friends. Making friends wasn't the problem. It was finding the right ones. People had a tendency to take her kindness for weakness.

Oh, being mean would be so much easier, wouldn't it?

"Princess."A maid hastily entered the library. "You're wanted in the second Meeting Room immediately."

Celestia didn't ask, just ran across the hall, burst through the doors and slipped into a seat. She looked around the table, finding a disheveled Luna and the three remaining members of the War Council. (The other four had been killed in the Duskan Youth massacre).

"There's been an attack on the Crystal Empire," Aidan, one of the members, informed her.

"An attack? From who?" Who would ever attack an empire now ruled by the Dusks, let alone succeed?

Aidan instantly went very pale, and the other members looked away. "Sombra."

The room went so silent, she could hear Luna's shallow breathing from across the room. "That's not possible! He has no magic! There's no way he could defeat the Dusks!"

Celestia wasn't very surprised. He had always struck her as the type that would be able to set their morals aside to do whatever it took to achieve what they wanted. The type that didn't care whether others were hurt in the process. She was always wary of him, but never said anything to Luna.

Who was she to judge? She, who had no friends and wanted nothing more than to see her sister happy. And Luna had been happy, for a few months.

"Well.....he had magic," Aidan explained.

"He lost the use of it a week ago!" Luna argued. "This isn't adding up. Are you sure you have the right person?"

"Dark black hair, tan skin, eyes that spew green and purple smoke,crystals manipulation-"

"His eyes do not spew smoke and he doesn't have crystal manipulation."

"There is a possibility," Celestia spoke up. Everyone turned to her. "Dark magic. It can change people, give them abilities. Abilities that corrupt them," Celestia continued. "Do you know any place he might've gone to change himself?"

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