Chapter 22: Luna

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If there was one thing that Luna had learnt this month, it was that nothing was permanent. Three weeks ago, he had visited her in the dungeons, and they had agreed to work together. After that, she had spent the time building up trust when he came to visit her. A few days ago, the black crystal locks on her door were removed. It was risky, but it tested her loyalty.

Now, she was a queen.

Or soon to be queen. Her coronation hadn't happened yet, after all.

The last hour spent getting ready had paid off. A form-fitting gown blended from dark blue to pitch black, and a belt of crystalline diamonds completed the look. Her long, black cape trailed behind her. She had painted her lips a deep red, and applied rouge to her cheeks. Blue curls were swept up into an elegant updo and held in place with diamond pins.

Ten minutes before the coronation. It was much more suited to royalty. The bed was large and plush. Thick blankets kept out the cool evening drafts. A polished bookshelf lined the wall to her right, but noticeably all the books about war and combat were gone.

A small smile came to her lips. Very smart. But I caught you.

A knock ruptured her thoughts. She rose and turned the handle.

Sombra looked every bit the King of Shadows, as they now called him, with his spiked crown and luxurious clothes.

He gently took hold of her hand and kissed it. "Luna. You look beautiful."

"Thank you, your majesty," Luna replied and curtsied.

Small traces of hurt found their way into Sombra's eyes. "I'm still me, Luna. You don't have to act differently."

"Oh," Luna answered softly. "You've just changed so much...."

"Only in ability and appearance. Are you excited to see the kingdom?"

Sombra led her to the large set of double doors that overlooked the balcony. And she instantly regretted eating the breakfast that might just come up.

"You'll do great, don't worry," Sombra reassured her, sounding so much like his old self that Luna couldn't help but regret her plans.

In the moment, she pecked him on the cheek, like they did before everything had fallen apart.

His face beamed with pleasant satisfaction, before he strode out through the double doors, and she stood off to the side.


"Citizens. I bring you here today ...." Sombra started his speech.

So far, so good. Luna couldn't help but think about how two-faced he was. He played a violent, ruthless king, staging executions and destroying mercilessly. But just now, he had shown her the doting boy who wanted nothing more than to make her smile.

But aren't we all?

"And a king needs a queen by his side," Sombra continued.

Luna got into her place behind the closed doors.

"So I would like to introduce her to you!"

The doors creaked open slowly, groaning and stretching their weakened bones. Her cape rustled against the floor. Her heels clicked on the marble. She had never heard such silence in her life. The slaves, defeat in their eyes, stood below them in neat rows, flanked by guards.

Horror flashed across the citizens' eyes as they realized who their new queen was. She saw a whirlwind of emotions. Pity. Distrust. Betrayal. Anger.

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