Operation Crystal: Meeting 102

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"You what?" Elvira hissed, pressing her knife against Specter's throat. Ignoring the blossoming bubbles of blood on his neck, her scarlet eyes demanded an answer with such intensity even Napoleon Dusk had to look away.

Ebony sat at the other side of the table, never speaking, just watching. Watching intently and soaking every little detail up like a sponge. She had always been a rather reserved girl, one who easily faded into the background.

Until she picked up that battle axe 8 years ago. Dainty build, flitting eyes, and a tendency to evade then attack from the shadows, she was a true daughter of the Song family.

Lithe, agile in body and mind, she had earned her name: the Silent Killer.


"Are you not a prince of the Duskan Empire? Speak to me like one!" Elvira ordered, while a petrified Specter seemed to sink into his chair.

"I entered the Starry Nightclub to experiment with my mind control powers on the magicians there. Princess Luna was there at the exact same time as me! She and some friends caught me, I called Ebony for backup, and....." Specter blurted out.

"You got your ass kicked by the princesses, a Star, two scrawny teenagers, one of who had drank the poison they call "Cock Tails", then fled like a coward," Elvira finished, waving her hand dismissively.

"How do you-"

"Ebony told me, genius," Elvira spat sarcastically. "And here's my question for you. How did you manage to not defeat them?"

Specter gulped. He could tell Elvira now, and risk her murdering him in a fit of rage. Or he could tell Elvira later, and risk her murdering him in a fit of rage. He didn't exactly have many options.


"I drank the "Cock Tails", the poison of body and mind," Specter mumbled.

"WHAT?" Elvira shrieked. "WHY in the Duskan name would you do that?"

Ebony and Napoleon both winced at the exact same time, as if they were the ones being reprimanded by the Duskan Empress.

"It was called a Bloody Mary! I thought it might've been...non poisonous?" Specter tried to explain.

"No, you idiot," Elvira groaned. "It's a name. And it's not really poison to us, just extremely bad for our systems, and that big of a dose?"

"I had to! It was a club. I chose it because I heard people always drank the "Cock Tails" and got into fights, so it would look normal! And everyone was looking at me weirdly for not ordering one, so I did to blend in," Specter continued.

"Empress. On the contrary, we did make it out alive, killed the manager, severely wounded her group, and destroyed the entire club, which was a good portion of Canterlot's economy," Ebony jumped in.

Elvira pursed her lips, examining all of them. "All of you stand up. Take off your cloaks and armor."

All three obliged and did as she pleased, removing their garments. Circling and examining them like a predator did its prey, Elvira was calculating. Calculating hard.

She nodded as she did, muttering and pacing around the room.

"Sit back down," she snapped. "Specter, tell me more about the people you fought. They seemed to be very powerful, and a potential threat. We can also use them as a leverage against Luna."

"There was this boy a few years younger than me, I think his name was Sombra. He was looking at me funny from the beginning. His magic is very powerful, and he knows martial arts," Specter recalled what he could remember. It was slightly blurry after he downed the Bloody Mary.

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