Chapter Thirteen

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"So, let me get this straight," Tsukishima said. The two of you were sitting in a booth in the library's cafe area. You had never gone there before; you hadn't had the funds, and Tsukishima had never expressed interest anyway. But, as you snuggled into your newspaper jacket and warmed your hands by pressing them onto your hot chocolate, you thought that you should come more often. "Your alcoholic, emotionally abusive aunt burned down your house, and you want to stay with me now?"

"It's really not that much information," you mumbled, "and it wouldn't be forever. Just until I can find a job."

"I can't believe that you... you..." Tsukishima seemed genuinely angry. You braced yourself for a lecture; or worse, a rejection. Instead, he said, "I can't believe you didn't tell me sooner."

You looked up in surprise. "Huh?"

"Come on, Y/N! The whole volleyball team practically loves you! You're basically one of us now. If you were going through crap, you should've told us!" He continued. "If you need help, I'm sure we can figure something out. My mom is really nice; she'll definitely let you stay with us."

You let out a surprised laugh, and he glared at you. "What's so funny?"

"I've never seen you so passionate about something," you said, still smiling. "It suits you."

Tints of red rose to his cheeks, and his eyes widened. "I...Thanks, I guess."

"You guess?!"

By now the two of you were both laughing. It felt magical; you had only ever seen Tsukishima laugh when the two of you were together.

Sirens rushed by the library, causing you both to jump. "They're probably headed to my house," you said, trying to smile.

"Then we should head to mine," he said. He stood up and started to walk out, before turning back to you. "Coming?"

Smirking, you stood up to follow him. "Of course."

Tsukishima's house was painted a nice, calming beige, with dark roof tiles and a few windows. In the backyard, you could see a basketball hoop poking over the fence.

Slowly, Tsukishima led you up the steps to the house. He pushed the door open, stepping inside. You hesitated at the doorway, but he pulled you through it before you could turn around.

"Come on," he said. "Time to meet my family."

You shivered. "Are you sure?" You were covered in ashes, and your hair was tangled and matted. If Tsukishima's family acted anything like him, this conversation would not be a fun one. You both slipped of your shoes before continuing inside.

"Mama!" Tsukishima called, keeping his voice just below a shout. He walked into a room you assumed was the kitchen, still gripping you by the wrist.

Two tall blondes stood at the counter, chatting amiably. One of them, a woman with kind, green eyes and dark blonde hair, was stirring a pot on the stove.

The other was leaning on the counter. He had blonde hair that was swept to the side, and wore a huge smile on his face.

"But Moooom," he whined, laughing.

"You can absolutely not dye Kei's hair pink," the woman said, not looking up from her cooking.

Tsukishima cleared his throat, and the other two Tsukishimas turned to stare at you.

"Mom," Tsukishima said, gesturing to you. "This is Y/N."

The other boy snickered. "Kei, you finally got a girlfriend!" he said, pumping his fist excitedly.

"I Hate Sports" ~ (A Tsukishima Kei X Reader) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now