Chapter Nine

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    Despite being exhausted, getting back to sleep proved nearly impossible. Your mind was racing, and you couldn't close your eyes without panicking at the blackness. Finally, around 5:45, you gave up. It wasn't like you were any closer to sleep than you had been, so you would just get ready for the day. You had to finish your article for Eiko, and you . You slid out of bed, careful not to wake Kiyoko and Yachi up. Yawning, you ran a brush through your hair.

    You were just tying the laces on your shoes when you heard several heavy thuds from the hallway.

    "That can't be good," you murmured. The door creaked slightly when you pushed it open. Cautiously, you stepped out of the room.

    You caught a flash of unmistakable orange hair running into the room next to yours. Then the screaming started.


    You skidded into the doorway. "Hinata, no! This is the wrong room!" you hissed. But it was too late. He was already bouncing excitedly around the room.

    There were three people in the room. One of them was sitting at the desk, staring at Hinata.

    It was the boy from the lobby. Akaashi, you thought his name was. He looked both shocked and terrified to see Hinata in the hotel room. In the bed next to him, there was a small lump of blankets that you assumed was a person. The owl boy, Bokuto, was snoring on the couch.

    Hinata, meanwhile, was still screaming. Bokuto was awake by now, and he was jumping excitedly with Hinata.

    "HEY HEY HEY!" he shouted happily, bouncing on the couch. His feather-like hair was messy, and tangled around his forehead and ears. "LET'S GO!"

    Always one to impress, Hinata jumped onto the bed. He lost his balance when he landed, and fell directly onto the lump of blankets.

    To your surprise, the lump of blankets let out an ear splitting screech.


    Hinata was so surprised that he jumped off the bed, hitting his head on the ceiling. He clung to the ceiling like a frightened cat, shaking in fear. The blankets were brushed aside, revealing the girl from the lobby.

    "What's going on?" she said sleepily.

    You would've answered, but Hinata's grip on the ceiling was loosening.

    You ran to the center of the room and caught him before he hit the ground. Coach Ukai had had to deal with the boys all night; you didn't want him to have to deal with a broken tailbone and a concussion.

    Daichi and Suga came skidding into the room.

    "Hinata, my child! Are you okay?" Sugawara shouted.

    "I'm so sorry!" Daichi said. He glared at you and Hinata.

    Even you had to admit, it didn't look good. You were standing in the middle of a stranger's hotel room, holding Hinata in your arms. Bokuto and Akaashi were standing in the middle of the room, and a small girl had materialized out of the pile of blankets.

    For a few seconds, there was silence. No one knew what to say.

    Then... "I'm going back to sleep," Bethany declared. She snuggled back under the blankets.

    For some miraculous reason, this dissolved the tension.

    Hinata's dazed expression wore off. He blinked and looked at you. "Oh. Hi, Y/N!" When he realized that you were holding him, he started flailing around like a fish out of water. He fell onto the ground with a heavy thud. Of course, Kageyama was immediately by his side.

"I Hate Sports" ~ (A Tsukishima Kei X Reader) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now