Chapter Four

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    After school, you walked across the lawn as quickly as possible, trying to avoid anyone who would know that you were supposed to be at volleyball practice. You had to get to the library and do all the research on volleyball that you could.

    As you walked by the gym, you heard someone yell your name.

    You looked to the side, and saw Hinata waving furiously at you. "Hi, Y/N!" he shouted. "Are you coming in?"

    Kageyama appeared behind him. "Dummy... she probably has work to do."

    Hinata visibly wilted. "Oh... okay... Do you have work, Y/N?"

    "N-no!" you said, flashing him a huge smile. "I'd love to get a better idea of how your team works!"

    Why am I such a pushover? you moaned internally.

    During the practice, you tried to figure out the gist of the game. Taking out your notebook, you turned to a new page and wrote, Rules of Volleyball.

    If the ball touches the ground, it's out.

    There are people who throw the ball, and people who hit it over the net.

    After the ball is dropped, the other team has one person hit it to start the match.

    You tried to figure out more as you watched, but without a clear rulebook, figuring it out seemed almost impossible.

    You felt the edges of the notebook crumple in your hands, and you dropped it in your bag with an annoyed sigh. This was impossible.

    Someone plopped down besides you. "We're really doing that bad, huh?"

    You recognized the voice from yesterday. Turning to Sugawara, you stammered, "No! I'm just... trying to figure out how to write the article."

    "I don't know much about writing, but I hope that you do well!" Sugawara said.

    "Thanks, Sugawara-senpai."

    He smiled. "Please, call me Suga."

    "All right, then. Suga-senpai."

    The practice was finally over, and you still had no clue how to play volleyball. The library seemed as good a place as any to begin your research.

    Once you were inside the library walls, everything else seemed to melt away. The smell of a new shipment of books greeted you, and the colorful titles on the shelves all screamed, "READ ME."

    You would have loved to stay and surround yourself with more novels, but you had to go find something about volleyball.

    The sports section was full of magazines and unrealistic novels about kids becoming masters of sports in, like, three weeks. The most you wanted to do was learn about this sport, then go back to writing articles for the Karasuno Daily.

    You found a book titled Volleyball 101, and checked it out.

    It was fairly late at night, so you had no problem finding a seat in a comfy bean bag. You flipped open your notebook, and set the book on your knees. You could feel the oppressive weight of your homework looming over you, but you shrugged it off. The next few weeks would be miserable if you didn't understand volleyball.

    The first few pages were all about explaining the setup of the court.

    You scribbled notes onto the thin paper.

    Six players on the court at a time...

    Setters toss the ball to spikers...

"I Hate Sports" ~ (A Tsukishima Kei X Reader) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now