Chapter One

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    It had started out as a good day.

    Your classes had passed by quickly, and there wasn't much homework. The aggressive kid who always stood by the vending machine with a milk box had even smiled at you. (At least, you thought it was a smile. It was hard to tell, since he hardly ever did anything other than stare angrily at everyone.) The newspaper club meeting had even been calm, the only notable incident being two of the journalists almost breaking a window with a computer. (You knew it sounded bad, but last week they almost burnt the building down with two pieces of paper, a paper clip, and a pen, so you took what you could get.)

    After the club, however, Eiko had called you over. Eiko was a third year, and the editor of the school newspaper, Karasuno Weekly. He was also a pain in the neck, but since he allowed you to write articles, even though you were a first year, you kind of owed him one.

    Eiko glared at you from over the tips of his glasses, as if he could sense what you were thinking. "Y/N," he said.

    "You wanted to see me?" you ask, trying to keep your voice calm.
    "Yes," he said. "I wanted to talk to you about your article for the school news column."

    The school news column of Karasuno Weekly was the section of the newspaper that everyone read. Some people didn't read the sports section, and some people didn't read the club section, but everyone read the school news. It kept you up to date on everything from gossip to where tickets for the school dance were available. If you could get an article in that section, everyone would read it. Even if you said that there were flying monkeys on Mars preparing for war with us.

    Needless to say, your article hadn't made the cut.

    Though his eyes were expressionless, Eiko's lips formed into a smirk. Jerk. "Look, Y/N. Your article was more accusatory than it should be. Suspicion is okay at times, but saying that the robotics club cheated to get into the nationals? It's paranoid. I let you submit articles for the school news column because you think rationally and clearly. Or , you used to."

    You felt heat rising to your cheeks. It had taken months to gather the evidence necessary to write that article; you had taken countless interviews and pulled several all-nighters just to get it written. "Are you saying that I'm making this up for attention?" Your voice was low and quiet.

    "No," he said evenly. "I'm saying that you are being reassigned."

    "Reassigned?" You try to sound tough, but your stomach is doing backflips. Gold-medal winning Olympic gymnast level backflips.
    Eiko shakes his head slowly, almost looking amused. "I want you to write articles about the Karasuno volleyball club until further notice. One article a week. Hand them in to me. Until you can write rational articles again, you will not be writing anything for the school news column."

    You sat in your chair, too dumbfounded to respond.

    Demoted to the sports column.

    How humiliating.

    It wasn't a dark and stormy night. The sun was hovering just over the horizon when you stepped out of the school building. Birds were chirping, and the plants looked lush and green, and look what had just happened.

    The last stormy night had turned out to be wonderful. You and your aunt, had stayed inside drinking tea and playing board games.

    Bad things never happen when the weather is in the mood, you thought glumly.

Hey hey hey! This is my first fanfiction on Wattpad, so please tell me if there's anything I'm missing! I am sorry that no Haikyuu! characters appeared in this chapter. The Karasuno Volleyball Team will definitely be in the next one! Shout out to Beth_Robertson for helping me with this (and for introducing me to Haikyuu! in the first place). Her Akaashi x Reader fanfic is amazing, and you should go check it out.

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