Chapter Twelve

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    You jolted awake at the sound of someone banging heavily on your door. "YACCHAN! Y/N! WAKE UP!"

    Looking around, you noticed that Yachi and Kiyoko had been awakened by the noise, too.

    "That sounds like Hinata-kun..." Yachi murmured.

    Suddenly, the banging cut off. "Idiot!" you heard Tanaka hiss from outside the door. "You'll disturb Kiyoko-san's sleep."


    "Shut up!"


    Around half an hour later, you entered the hallway, where you found Bokuto and Hinata staring blankly at each other. After a moment, Bokuto shouted, "MY SON!" And wrapped Hinata in a hug.


    "Quiet!" Akaashi murmured. "Bokuto-san, Sugawara-san will hear you."

    As if by magic, Suga came swooped into the hallway. "Hinata, come on. It's breakfast time."

    "Okay!" Hinata chirped. He skipped down the hallway, humming. Sugawara waited until he was gone before giving Bokuto a look that said, very clearly, "Don't talk to me or my son ever again." Then he followed after Hinata, shouting, "Hinata! Slow down!"

    Bokuto shivered. "Spooky..."

    Akaashi shrugged. "Told you." Tugging at Bokuto's shirt, he said, "Come on. Let's go get breakfast."

    You watched them go with a sort of bemusement. Every time you saw them, the volleyball players were less and less intimidating. Especially...

    You blushed, remembering the previous night. Should I talk to him? Should I even bring it up? you wondered.

    No. You shook your head. You weren't going to be one of those stupid maidens that waited for their crush to tell them whether or not a kiss meant anything. If you and Tsukishima were going to evolve into anything beyond high school crushes, then it was clear that you needed to take the upper hand.

    Pulling out your phone, you swiped to the private messages between you and Tsukishima.

Y/N: First of all, you suck.

    You watched the screen anxiously for a few seconds before typing bubbles appeared in the corner.

Tsukishima: Are you going to tell me why?

Y/N: Maybe

Tsukishima: Actually, I have a feeling that I know why you're mad

Y/N: I would hope so

    More typing bubbles.

Tsukishima: You're upset that I didn't tell you I liked you.

Y/N: Ah, so you aren't as oblivious as I thought.

Tsukishima: I would prefer to believe that I'm not oblivious in general

Y/N: Can I ask you something?

Tsukishima: You just did.

Y/N: Shut up for a second and listen, you extra salty french fry.

Tsukishima: Oh, so we're name calling now

Y/N: Did you not hear me say, 'shut up'?

Tsukishima: I tune out most of what you say.

Y/N: If you respond with another sarcastic comment I will tell Kageyama that you have a huge, obsessive crush on him.

"I Hate Sports" ~ (A Tsukishima Kei X Reader) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now