Chapter 19: im gonna scare her

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You open your eyes slowly to see the hospital wing ceiling.You hear remus whispering to James beside you, but you don't turn around. "It was my fault wasn't it, having her worry about me and my problems, I've been stressing her out too much. Soon she's gonna get scared off like everyone else and ill be alone" Remus cries out. "Mooney stop, I know where this is going. Y/n is not going to leave you" James reassures him. "How can you know that" remus said sadly. "Ive seen the way she looks at you, and I've known her since forever, she doesn't look at anyone else that same way" he tells him. "Nice one James" you think to yourself.

You try and keep quiet but you suddenly groan in pain, clutching your chest. You turn to face them. "You're awake darling" lupin smiles, shaking off his anxiety for a brief moment. You smile and you reach out to hold his hand. " Prongs I'm so sorry, how did the game end" you turn to him. "y/n you collapsed, you kind of stole the focus" he joked.

"Always so self obsessed are we prongs" you chuckle. "well right now my obsession is figuring out where the devil Sirius and lily are, bet that git is trying to steal my girl" he rolls his eyes and walks out after giving you a kiss on the forehead.

you lay in silence for a minute, before remus spoke. "what even happened up there" he asked.

"I don't know, it was kind of frightening, and I'm not even sure why I fainted" you shrug. "I was so worried, and I wanted to help but I didn't even know what to do" he said sadly. "how did I get out" you said with a pause. "I carried you, of course" he smiled, but it quickly faded.

"You need to be protected y/n" he stated. "I am...I have the 3 most overprotective boys by my side at all times" you joke. "not by me...we can't do this anymore. Im putting you under stress and I can't have you getting hurt over me" he told you.

"what on earth are you talking about, I can take care of myself, do you think im weak or something" you glare at him.

"i...I don't know" lupin got up and ran out, his eyes filling with tears.

you were stunned. what the actual fuck. "oh this is so not over" you groan getting out of bed and quickly following him. "This isn't about you turning is it, you know you can't just push me awayyy ahhh" you scream again, crying out from the pain in your chest.

"y/n, oh my god what's happening" he panics. "im fine I just need to.. um" you stuttered your words, stumbling over to the wall and sliding your back down it. you whimper as he he holds your hand. you pant heavily, trying to catch your breath. "please don't leave me remus" you gasp. "do you know why this has been happening to me" you look up slowly.

"The other day in DADA we were learning about bogarts, and when I went to see mine, it was you. but not the idea of you or what you are. It was you falling out of love with me, and leaving me. Thats my worst fear, and ever since then Ive felt more afraid then ever. I love you so much remus" you say.

"I love you too" he whispers.

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