Chapter 13: Snowman

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You're out on the weekend, sitting outside of the three broomsticks on a snowy park bench.
"I love these visits to hogsmeade" you say.
"Same, not that hogwarts isn't great and all, but it's so nice to get out for a bit" lupin agrees.
You shiver, trying to blow warm air to heat up your hands.
"You're cold aren't you" lupin smirked, going to take off his sweater.
"Don't Mooney, you'll be freezing" you tell him. "I'll be fine y/ on the other hand are going to catch a cold" he said.
"Well if you insist on being such a gentlemen" you smirk.
He wraps his sweater around you, looking up slowly into your eyes, nearly forgetting his hands are still holding onto it. You giggle.

"They seem to be enjoying themselves" you glance over to James and lily, across the square, building a snowman.
"Careful guys you're starting to look like a Christmas card" you yell out to them. "Look at mine look at mine" Sirius yells, standing proudly over a small lump of snow.
"Yes VERY impressive padfoot" remus encourage him, trying not to break out into a fit of giggles.

Sirius looks over at James's perfect snowman, and kicks it down. "Padfoot you ruined it" James yells out, before tackling Sirius to the ground.

"Hey don't make me come over there" you scold jokingly.
"They really are children" you say to Remus, rolling your eyes.

You notice Remus looking above you. You look up, and see mistletoe growing above your heads. Remus looks into your eyes. "Pretty cliche" you joke. "Sounds more like good timing to me" he says softly, before pulling you in to a soft kiss.

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