Bonus 2: California storm

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Shhh... I know I kinda already had a bit about a storm, but it was a tiny segment of one chapter and also I'd completely bypassed the America tour. Also the cuteness of this was too much for me to pass up.

Bonus setting and location: America, at some point between the Amsterdam/Europe chapters but before the pregnancy scare.

Faye's point of view
I hated thunder. I knew all too well that Lisa was fully aware of that. After all, I had ended up sleeping in her bed with her while we were in Denmark for that precise reason.
Although we'd considered it, Lee and I had decided not to share a room on the American tour, mostly because of my habit of going out drinking with Lisa in the evenings. But this evening had proven to be an exception to the going out rule. We'd been threatening H that we'd take him out with us this evening, because he'd been miserable all day, and it was even getting at me, which considering him and I didn't exactly get on brilliantly when he was in moods like the one he was in today and the fact I was usually always happy was stressing everyone else out. Instead, we'd had a storm warning, and had been told it was best not to go out at all. So the five of us had sat in mine and Lisa's room, drunk some really terrible American beer and played a few of those childish party games like spin the bottle and truth or dare. By the end of the game of spin the bottle a majority of us had managed to end up kissing, and despite the relationships in the group none of us minded. What happened on tour was generally deemed to all be fun and games. Lisa and I had kissed, which we'd done a few times before in pubs anyway, and it had felt really easy and natural (something I didn't experience when it happened normally because my thoughts were usually too alcohol clouded). I'd been made to kiss H, which had made him quite happy (mostly just because he got to annoy me a little bit with it), but I was too proud to wimp out so did it anyway. The kiss with Lee hadn't felt as right as my one with Lisa, but I couldn't figure out why. Maybe it was just because the others were there watching us.
Then Claire had headed off to bed, and a while later Lee left as well, kissing me on his way out. H stayed for another drink before leaving us two alone and shooting Lisa a cheeky wink. I hadn't really got what it meant, but Lisa clearly had and shot him a rude gesture as he walked out the room giggling.

That had all ended with me and Lisa sitting on her bed together and watching Sound of Music on the TV. I had my bears with me and Lisa had one with her too. When my favourite scene came on I ended up shuffling closer to Lisa because it had just felt the right thing to do. I didn't worry too much about Lee finding out because he knew Lise and I were just best friends. She hadn't objected and had slipped her arm round me without thinking twice.
"You're loving this aren't you." She joked.
I smiled. "The only thing that would make it better would be Lee." I then reconsidered my statement and shook my head as I did. "Actually, nah he wouldn't enjoy watching the film as much as you."
She didn't say anything in reply, but I knew she was happy.

The first few rumbles of thunder must have been drowned out by the last song in the film, but as soon as near silence set over the room something felt wrong. And then there was a loud crack of thunder, causing me to squeal and press myself as close against Lisa as I could. I partly expected her to judge me, but instead she kept her arms round me, softly trying to comfort me. The following strike was closer, louder and somehow worse. There was the flash of lightning and before I'd even begun to be able to start counting the thunder was ripping though the air. I fought out of Lisa's arms, sitting up and hugging her instead.
"Oh god oh god we're going to die." I mumbled as I trembled.
"No we're not. We're safe in here Treacle, we'll be alright." Lisa said to me, her arms finding their way back round me. She rubbed my back in the hope it would calm me down, but she was shaking a little bit too. "We won't die Faye, I can tell you that for certain. We're safe in here." She repeated.
I tried to believe her but before I could speak there was more thunder and my words were replaced by a quiet scream. Lisa mumbled a curse word under her breath, but I wasn't sure if that was where I was inadvertently hugging her too tight or because of the storm. I tried to relax, after all Lisa was right - it was highly unlikely we'd die. I stayed still, pressed up against Lisa still, her still hugging me.

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