Bonus 3: Secretly a Double Date

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This gets a little smushie in Lisa's part (down at the bottom), so feel free to skip over that last bit.

Setting and timing - Just after One True Love (Chapter 28), on the same tour but a couple of nights later.

Faye's point of view
Officially what we were about to go on wasn't a date, and was much less a double date. As far as anyone outside the group (and in the boys' case their families) knew no-one here was dating, because homophobia is very much a thing. We all tried to pretend that the relationships didn't exist in public, even Claire was in on that for the safety of all the relationships in the group - including the friendships because most of us probably wouldn't forgive her too easily if she told someone - and she did a really good job of it. For some reason, and given how long we'd managed being friends for it surprised me, pretending not to be madly in love with Lisa during interviews and sometimes even shows occasionally proved hard work. I know she sometimes struggled with it too and she was the one of us who had been to theatre school. But the four of us were indeed going on a double date tonight. And the bonus for us was that it was the first time Lisa and I had gone anywhere and even thought called it a date, even if it was unofficial. To us, between being the best of friends and girlfriends, nothing had really changed, except now we tended to share a bed whenever we got the chance, and not just because one of was in a state. We still went out drinking together and we still watched stupid movies together when we couldn't go drinking. We still did each other's hair backstage. It was the same just we were dating so it felt more special.

"You look nice." Lisa said to me, softly kissing my cheek.
I smiled at her. "Come on I look the same as normal."
"Exactly." She replied.
I grinned. Because this 'wasn't a date' we'd decided it'd be very casual, so there was no dressing up, which I was thankful for. I'd had by far enough of long flowy dresses to last for a little while.
I looked at her. "You look lovely too Scottsie. But you always do."
She grabbed hold of my arms and pulled me in close to her. She looked up at me with a smile. "You're perfect, you're beautiful and you're you and to me that's worth more than anything of the other things I just said. I love you for who you are." She said. "But seriously Treacle, have you ever looked in a mirror?"
I blushed, and my words failed me. Then she kissed me on the lips and I kissed her back before she pulled away. She grinned sheepishly at me for disrupting the moment, mumbled something and went to go find something she'd already put down somewhere.

A while later the boys, Lisa and I were ready. We were only going to have some drinks and a dance but to the four of us it was something much more important. It was a secret promise that the four of us were going to stand together as a gay couple and a lesbian couple, an unspoken agreement that we would stick together whenever a loving hand was needed (or knowing us lot when people needed fake dates for public events).
"You two look wonderful as ever." H announced as he opened the door to Lee's room. They weren't brave enough yet to straight out share one, though often ended up doing so secretly.
I blushed and Lisa laughed. "As do you." She replied with a mock curtsy. Both H and I laughed.
"Okay ladies are you ready?" Lee asked as he came up behind H.
H mumbled something along the lines of 'rude' and Lee kissed his cheek. Lisa and I both nodded and she took my hand. As we walked through the hotel me and Lisa messed around squeezing each other's hand and giggling about it as we did. Eventually she laughed and slipped her arm around my shoulder.
"I love you." She whispered, deliberately but gently bumping into me as we walked.
"I love you more." I replied.
She smirked. "If we weren't walking right now I'd say prove it."
I laughed. "Well I always could later." I teased.
"I'd like that." She replied and we both started laughing. This was what I'd always imagined true love was like. Both happy, both completely in love with the other, both laughing at the other's stupid jokes. Just like being best friends, only better.

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