Epilogue: Final Curtain

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So this chapter may not make complete sense if you don't know about how Steps split up, but I'll try and make this simple for everyone to understand. (P.s. this is about a year after the last chapter was set.)

Faye's point of view
Tonight's show was the final show of the Gold tour. After tonight we all went our separate ways to spend Christmas with our families. I was excited to see my sister again, but sad that I wouldn't be seeing Lisa again for a while. It didn't matter too much, we'd phone each other regularly just like we did last Christmas.
I was sat with Lisa and Claire watching the boys having an argument over whether they wanted to order pizza or just wait for dinner later when my phone buzzed. I opened it up and saw a message from Clare. "Hey Mum wants to know if you and Lisa are still coming out to have dinner tonight? Come meet us in the backstage car-park if so." I'd slightly forgotten I'd agreed to have dinner with my family and that they'd agreed to let Lisa come with us.
I picked up my hoodie and stood up. "Lisa, you still coming?" I asked.
"Oh yeah!" She said, grabbing her denim jacket from beside her. "See you guys later."
Looking back that'd be the worst part of it all. To think how we were all so close before dinner that night, then - in the space of just a few hours - we'd split and all the relationships would fall apart.

I kissed Lisa in the hallway before heading out of the building. The warm embrace of Lisa's small body made me smile as I hugged her back.
Looking back, it was weird how standing there we had no idea what was coming. No idea of the pain and hate that was about to rip between the five of us like a bomb. No idea that in just a few painfully too short hours we'd have our final kiss in this exact same spot.
I looked at her, our kiss filling in blanks in the message. We're just best friends. I silently prayed we'd both remember throughout the evening; I still didn't really know how accepting my mum or my sister would be of me having a girlfriend. I looked across the car-park, already submerged into a wintry half-darkness, and picked out my mum's car. Grabbing Lisa's hand I led her towards it. There was a distinct feeling that I should kiss her right there and then, but I refrained.
When I got near the I noticed my sister had stolen the front seat, so I shot her 'the look'. She just stuck her tongue out at me and continued to sit there. With a sigh I walked to the back door.
"Hey mum, Hey Cece!" I called cheerfully as I got into the car.
"Hello Deary, Hello Lisa" my mum announced.
"Hi Mrs Tozer!" Lisa replied.
My sister wasn't as cheerful about my presence, maybe because the attention wouldn't be on her tonight.
"Where's dad?" I asked.
"With a friend. He said he can't wait to see the show again tonight though." My mum replied. "How have you two both been? My gosh it feels like so long since we last spoke my baby girl!"
"Mam I literally phoned you 4 days ago!" I retorted with a laugh.
"I'm very well thank you. How are you?" Lisa replied.
"I've been alright. You know all the usual mum sort of things Lisa."
"Oh yeah. My mum moans about how my brothers and I rarely help around the house."
"I'm fine too." I added, cutting in before my mum could talk about my rebellious teenage years.
My sister mumbled something about her supposedly doing her part, and how no-one ever paid attention to her any more, but ironically proving her point it seemed everyone ignored her. I knew she wasn't really angry, and anyway I loved my big sister.

Lisa's point of view
"Thank you Mrs Tozer. Merry Christmas and hopefully I'll see you in the new year!" I called as I hopped out of the car.
"No problem Lisa, I hope I'll see you next year too. Send a Merry Christmas from us to your family would you?" She replied.
"Of course!" I replied as I shut the car door.
"Come on slow poke or we'll be late!" Faye called from the other side of the car-park.
I ran across to her and crashed into her arms. She hugged me tightly, and I hugged her back. "We need to stop pretending to just be best friends in front of our families." I told her.
"Task for next year?" Faye replied with a laugh.
Bending down slightly she kissed my cheek. "I love you." She whispered.
"I love you too!" I replied, reaching up and kissing her cheek in return.
Hand in hand we ran to our dressing room, not knowing that tonight would be our last chance to do all those backstage things we loved.

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