Chapter 5: Home

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Faye's point of view
I got out of the car first, pulling out my bundle of keys from my pocket and searching through them as I walked for the key to the shared house, finding the right key just in time and unlocking the front door, before going back for my bag. Bag in hand, I ran into the house, running to the back corner of the main room where the stairs were, and took the stairs two at a time. I ran straight past Claire's room, and the bathroom that me, Lisa and Claire shared, the door to which was open, and nearly tripped over a small fluffy creature.
"Oops... Sorry about Bella, she's not well trained yet." Lee commented walking towards me, laughing slightly. He picked up the small fluffball, which turned out to be a small breed of dog.
"Awww... She's cute!" I exclaimed. Bella sniffed at me and when I was sure she was happy with my presence I gently stroked her head, slightly in love already where I'd always had dogs around growing up.
"Yeah. But a lot of work though." He replied.
"Well, I need to unpack. I'll come find you when I'm done... or I suppose bored." I said, stopping stroking Bella. She growled playfully, "Yes, I'll fuss you later too." I added speaking to the dog, and opened the door to my room, just as Lisa came up the stairs. I walked into our room, and she followed.
"Fussing Lee later are you? That's a big step!" She joked slapping me playfully. I'd known it was coming before she'd said it given the cheeky grin she'd been walking around with.
"Really Lise? I was talking to his dog, she's so cute." I replied.
"So now you're attracted to a dog. At least last time it was a human." She laughed.
I shoved her playfully. "You know what I mean! I honestly wonder how I put up with sharing my room with you sometimes!" I laughed in reply.
"You know I love you really! And it's my room!" Lisa exclaimed in reply.
"Yeah yeah. I love you too really!" I replied. Also I'd already decided I couldn't share a room with Claire, who had the smaller room as it was - though ours wasn't much bigger - to herself. Lisa and I were similar in a lot of ways and even when we weren't at least had complimentary personalities.
I carefully moved around the room, which was purple and had splatters of blue and pink on it. It was fair to say that me and Lisa had had lots of fun decorating this room even if it had been more messing around than actually us doing anything for a lot of the time. The wardrobe was a simple wooden one that was Lisa's from her old flat (I'd stuck a sign on it that said 'To Narnia') and we shared that and a large chest of draws to store our clothes in, though they often spilled out onto the floor where we were both quite messy. We had two single beds one of which the head end was by the window (next to the radiator), that was my bed, the other one's head went into a small alcove next to the door, just wide enough to fit a bed and small chest of draws. That one was Lisa's bed. The feet end of the beds touched each other, so we could sit up chatting at night without having to turn around to face each other. Across the room from where my bed was is the wardrobe, next to that a small chest of draws belonging to me (it was my bedside draws equivalent), next to that the big chest of draws. In the remaining space was a mirror and a chair, which was useful for doing make-up and the like. It was the biggest room upstairs and it was a brilliant room for me and Lisa, as the only pair in the band who didn't mind permanently sharing a room. It was nothing new, we'd always done it on tours, in the very earliest days all three of us girls sometimes shared a hotel room, but the others were always amazed we could both manage without any form of personal space really.
I carefully folded the blanket and placed it at the end of my bed, where it was normally, and placed my two teddies, and two pillows at the end. I placed two teddies at the top of the bed, one by the wall to watch over me while I slept, and one on the other side which I cuddled often at night, while Lisa put her clothes away. We had half the wardrobe hanging space, one half of the shelf each (which Lisa couldn't actually reach easily so I had to pass her night-clothes down each time she put some in the wash) and two of the draws each. Fortunately, the draws were both wide and deep, or else I wouldn't fit all my clothes in. Sometimes though we got this wrong and ended up mixing up our stuff, as I clearly did today.
"Well... This is definitely not mine, is it?" Lisa said picking up my pink top from in one of her draws and throwing it at me laughing.
I laughed in reply and I picked it up off the floor, and folding it again, then I set it on my bed as I waited for her to finish putting stuff in the draws. When she had I put the top away, in the right draw this time. Then we sat down on Lisa's bed and chatted for a while.

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