Chapter Sixteen - Bonnie

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For a while, everything was perfect.

Bonnie knew she shouldn't say things like that, because it invited life to break down your door and say, Hey, here's how things go badly!

She supposed that was why Liam was acting so weird.

Two months ago, he had practically moved into the back office, seeing as he worked the day and night shifts now. He didn't sleep much, but when he did, they let him.

In those two months, every single one of the people who had come there just to stare at her and her friends stopped coming. Most likely, they had heard about the break-in and what Liam had done to the perpetrators.

Or maybe it was that puppet he made.

His puppet was long and black, with black fins and a white bottom half that sported a tail. The mask had jagged teeth and eye holes that were permanently slitted in a glare. He'd made it so he could keep an eye on things and perform at the same time. Bonnie had heard one child say it looked like a shark. And that was what Liam called it. His "puppet shark."

Anyway, for those two months, everything was perfect.

Then something changed.

Liam had found something that shook him. He wouldn't tell them what it was, and began to spend more time in the office at night, sleeping very little, messing around with old newspaper clippings and photos, a corkboard, string, and some tacks. Like he was piecing together a giant puzzle.

It was unsettling, to say the least.

Bonnie marched down to the back office and walked in. Liam nodded at her and went back to his work.

She sighed. You've got to sleep sometimes, you know. We're starting to get worried about you. What happened?

He looked at her. There were long black marks under his eyes. I'm putting the pieces together. There's just one left that I need to find to solve it all.

Liam, this is insane. You're going to lose it if you don't sleep. If you don't get on that bed in five minutes, I'm going to knock you out and DRAG YOU.

He sighed deeply. Maybe just a little snooze would do me good. He walked over to the cot and collapsed, snoring almost instantly.

Bonnie pulled his blanket over him, then looked at the corkboard.

If there was ever such thing as a bundle of nothing, it'd be this. I can't make head or tail of it.


Shaking her head, she left Liam to his nap.

_ _ _

The next day, Liam was on the phone, very heatedly talking to someone with more anger in his voice than Bonnie had ever heard. She crouched down to listen.

No. Stop making excuses. I need you to come in TOMORROW. No. Stop saying you're busy. I know that. Just come, okay? OKAY? Great.

He hung up the phone.

Bonnie popped out. Who was that?

He started. You get me every time, Bonnie. Veronica. I need to talk to her about something.

You're not leaving, are you?

Liam put his hand on hers. Bonnie, I am never going to abandon you girls. What gave you that idea?

He paused.

You were listening to that, weren't you?


He sighed. No harm done, I guess. I just found the last piece, and I need Veronica here to put it in.

You're shaking.

Am I? It's okay, I'm just cold. He walked back towards the office.

As he walked away, Bonnie couldn't help but wonder why he lied to her. 

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