it's not that simple..

519 15 12

song belongs to  colbie caillat- bubbly

41 reads!!?!?!! whoa sorry if there isn't much action yet in the story ^.^'

I didn't expect this but ok! mega thanks to KitsunePhantom09 for her awesome advice! pls go check her out if you haven't yet!

enda pov

just one more jump, just one more enda, just...'

"pain without love, pain can't get enough..."

"what the.."

" splash "

"crap.. who the nether is calling me during my shift! don't they know it's not safe!"as soon as I stood up I checked to see who it was, god dammit Ryan, you're lucky you're my littl' bro..

I answered the call

" hey triple! what's up bro?" I asked using the nickname that he oh so despised,

"enda.." something's not right.. I  could sense it..

 "Ryan, what happened?" 

"Natalie cheated on me." and i thought Natalie was perfect for him to...

" i'm so sorry Ryan, when you're packed go to my house and get yourself situated, tomorrow we'll start looking at the apartments."

the line is quiet for a second,

"thanks Enda."

I hear a distant voice calling my name crap..

" no problamo littl' bro, now I godda go, boss is yelling at me to get back to work."

and with that we hung up and I looked around,

crap.. now how do I get back up there?

* 15 minutes later*bodils pov

"crap were did she go!?"

everything was going great during the test run until enda suddenly fell off the map and she hasn't respawned yet or tried to contacted me yet to teleport her back,

and all I could think was double is going to hate me if I lost his sister as I speeded through the map with ease.

as I got to the fourth check point I slowed down hearing some grunting and a long  and creative string of curse words

" I swear to f***king notch himself I will  bloody f**king  murder those f***ing c**ts bodil and double, when i see them they better be s***ing sorry or they'll-

"there you are enda! what happend, one second you're telling me how you could beat the map blind folded the next you fell mid-jump!"

" my brother called"

"what happened?"

"he caught natalie cheating on him"

I know that I should feel bad for him and all but I couldn't help but feel excited, you see I mightsortakindamaybeposiblyhaveacrushonhim...


now that's out of the way..

"bodil.. BODIL!"


" you spaced out me"

"sorry about that"

I won't say it (doudil40)Where stories live. Discover now