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Celebrate good times come on!
*author and random characters dance around a random dance floor with awesome lighting going on*
Hey guys! Happy summer to all who are out, woohoo! Master has given dobby a summer vacation, dobby is FREE!!! Anyways here's a new update to this poor story!
*continues to dance like a drunk orangutan*

*Bodil pov*

I climb down the ladders at about noon.

'Only I would work on my birthday'

It's sad but probably true. I mean most people would go party with friends, drink, get a cupcake and put a candle in it or something. Me, it's just a regular day.

I sigh as I reach the ground.

I finished way too early. What now?
I don't got any plans today. Everybody is too busy to hangout. Even Enda had plans and everybody knows that that never happens.


Hey, it's true.

'Worse birthday ever'

I was just about to go to a bar and drown my loneliness when someone pounced me.

I scream a totally manly scream as I loose my balance, sending both my attacker and I to the ground. I groan and rub my head as I sit up. The attacker giggling a familiar giggle.

Wait a minute..

I turn head to see Double laughing his little butt off.

Man, I could listen to that laugh forever...

'Brain not now'

Suddenly Double got up and sat down on my lap. He quickly pushed me back down to the ground, pinning my arms and legs down.


I take it back.


He looked down at me with an evil glint in his eyes, before he leaned down right next to my ear. My breath stopped as I felt his mouth brush against my ear.

"Pinned ya"

I looked at him with an annoyed face.

Of course, he was making a reference to Lion King.

I swear he's doing this to me on purpose.

"Alright, alright quit pouting!
I'm sorry for getting you even more dirty than you already were!"

He gets off me and helps me up as I try desperately to hide my blush along with something else that got a little bit excited.

"Hey, are you feeling alright? You seem to be acting funny"

I stand corrected, he's not doing it on purpose. He is just too innocent to actually see anything.

"I'm fine, but what are you doing here? I thought you had plans today with someone..."

I can't help but feel a small wave of jealousy flow over me.

And by "small wave",
I mean a tsunami.

"They had to reschedule so I thought I should say hi to the birthday boy!"

I smile at that.

Double looked nice today. Black skinny jeans, a pretty green shirt, hair fluffy as ever.

"So do you have any plans?"

I shake my head.

"No, I was just going to try to figure out what to do."

"How about we go to the mall?"

I grin at the thought of spending the day with Double. Really, he could suggest we jump into a volcano and I would agree.

"Why not? Just let me stop by my house and take a quick shower-"


I flinch at Double's sudden outburst.

"I mean don't go to your house! It's too far away, we'll waste time! How about we stop by my apartment! It's closer and on the way to the mall!"

I look at him weirdly (Even though he can't tell). Ok, that was random, but then again so was Double's sudden visit.
But you can't argue against logic.
Besides, I haven't gotten the chance to see his new apartment yet.


"Alright lets go!"

"You go up ahead I'll catch up in a second."


As Double walked out of view, I quickly readjust myself and grab my duffel bag before sprinting after him.

'Well, this birthday isn't turning out all that bad after all...'

Hey guys Enda here! Hope I haven't made too many of you guys hate me too much after that long wait.
Anyways question of the update:
What are some romantic gestures I could use for when things get good?
Anyways, sorry for the wait, sorry for the filler, and sorry for anything else. I'll try to update soon but I'm moving in a couple of days and stuff so...

Enda out.

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