how could she!?!

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*Doubles pov*

How could she!??!?

That's all I could think as I quietly ran out the cafe.

I couldn't believe it, I thought she loved me, but apparently i wasn't enough. As I got in our house I quickly went into our room and started packing my belongings.

Of course it was to good to be true, it always is.. but do I ever learn?


Every time I give heart away to someone I think is the one they take it, acts like it's the most precious thing in the world then as soon as soon as i turn my back, they throw it away like it's trash!


I think as i slam the door bag in tow, 'if no one will truly take care of my heart than there is no reason to put it on the market'

i think as i dial enda's number, tears stinging my eyes. 'no Ryan, stay strong, weakness doesn't solve anything... you should know this.'

As the phone rang for the third time she picked up.

" hey triple! what's up bro?"

my sister's voice calmed me down a small ghost of a smile crept on my face, "enda.." my voice wavered causing me to flinch ever so slightly,

"Ryan, what happened" my sister's voice softened as she could tell that it was serious, "natalie cheated on me.." i said sadness clear in my voice.

" i'm so sorry ryan, when you're packed go to my house and get yourself situated, tomorrow we'll start looking at the apartments."

"thanks enda,"

"no problamo littl' bro, now i godda go,boss is yelling at me to get back to work."

after that i hung up and stared at the sky, a question just kept running though my head....


* well that's a wrap on today! hope you like it! i know that there are some mistakes in it ( uncapital I FOR ONE but you either had to remember to cap locks it before you put much more into it or you'll have to retype and frankly i'm to lazy >.<) please if you like it so far favorite, and comment suportive criticize, advice, or what eves, but please go easy on me because this is the first time writing a story like this and this is a learning phase for me ^.^' and tell me if you want any more i look forward for the next time and stay the ends you are later endagirl out!*

*ps i will start the romance part of the story soon this is just pretty much a prologue*

the pic belongs to a devianarter named doug675 please check them out!

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