just so you don't think I gave up on this

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10 things I've done that explain me in general!

Here we go!
1) I've walked into a pole that I was staring at more than once.

2) If you asked all my friends what was their favourite room of my house about 90% of my friends would say my closet ( apparently it's very comfortable in there cause they all love to pile in there and just hang like it's normal. Seriously, one of my friends has been known to spend the night in there.)

3) when I get bored I get really deep
And I start to question the world
( why did we make cuss words if we aren't supposed to use them? Are my colors and your colors the same? Do pigeons have feelings?)

4) I wasn't allowed to touch a computer till I was 11.

5) I was tricked into buying the first and second volume of
(Try explaining to your parents why you've got two volumes of yaoi in your bookshelf)

6) I've once got distracted in the middle of an algebra test because I saw an emoji in one of my equations and felt it was my duty to give him a fancy monocle and top hat to let the world know how damper he looked.

7) I have a phobia of leaches and needles so bad that the last time I got a leach on me I cried for 5 minutes strait, I was 13 at the time, and for the past 6 years I've been hiding the papers from my school saying that they're giving free flu shots.

8) until I was 9 I had always had my hair in a Dora the explorer style haircut

9) I just got my first phone 3 days ago, I'm 14 pushing 15 in a couple of months

And finally number 10

For drama I was allowed to write a story about a picture of a house so I wrote basically a one shot that was a mixture of five nights at Freddie's 4 and shila la buff. Then I had to pair up with my friend to mix our story's together then we had to act it out in front of our class pantomining it
(Meaning we couldn't use sounds)
In front of a camera
( I swear the teacher still has it and is planning to use it as blackmail to force us to join again)

Anyway sorry this isn't another chapter but it will be up eventually I already got half of it typed out!
Till next time
The thing closest to you is now your only weapon in the zombie apocalypse, what is it and what is your chance of surviving!?

Till next time chap!

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