happy freaking birthday

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Bodil pov

'Today has finally arrived...'
Is all I could think while I stood in front of everyone. Today is perfect, no clouds in the sky everyone made it, the only thing that could make this better...
My thoughts are cut off by the sound of the organ playing. Everyone's heads turn towards the doors as they open. An audible wow passed through the crowd as Double steps into the open.
Double looks to me as he slowly walked down the aisle arm in arm with a silently weeping Enda.
The sun that spills in through the wooded area we had set up and shines down on him making his dress glimmer. The necklace around his neck glows, a dark red gem in the middle, bringing out his brown eyes. As he reaches his spot Enda let's go and sits down, the music stops and the ceremony starts and Sky begins.
" Dearly beloved, we gather her today to join hands and celebrate as these two lovely gents wed."
I glanced over to Double whose eyes are watering standing in front of me with the largest smile I've ever seen on his face.
" may I have the rings?"
We turn to Double's little cousin as he happily steps up and hands us the rings.
" Repeat after me: I, with this ring promise to protect and love you, for the rest of our days past when death does us apart ."
We look at each other as we place the rings on each other and repeat what sky had recited moments before.
" anyone unhappy with this outcome speak now of forever hold your tongue!"
No one stepped up.
" in the majestic buttery power in me! You may kiss the bride / groom!"
We both slowly lean in savoring every moment.
I was thinking bout him, thinkin' bout me
Thinkin' bout us, what we gon' be,
What the heck?

End of le~ dream

I slowly open my eyes to see my white ceiling above my head.

Open my eyes yeah, it was only Just A Dream

I sighed quietly as I slowly got up out of bed, and glared at my clock as it continued to sing. I slammed the snooze button down maybe a little too hard and began to get ready for the day.
As I'm leaving the room I glance at the calendar and grimaced.
" happy freaking birthday Martin"

Annnnnnd that's a wrap people! First off I like to apologize for not updating as often as I should and junk but high school is hard to get used to and junk.
Second off Merry Christmas everyone! Or Chanukah, kwanzaa or whatever you celebrate at this time of year!
Just a nice little happy holidays from Enda to you!
NOW I hope I'll get off my lazy butt and write more but no promises. This was my first time writing about a wedding scene so if something is off that's why.
I hope you enjoyed this and if you do please like and comment for more!
So question of the day!
Are you in any fandom?
I'm in superwholock!
Anyways have fun this holiday season stay safe!

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