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    When Celeste got back to her common room everyone was there. She tried to ignore the stares she was getting, -- the very obvious stares -- and made her way to her dorms.

    "Yo Second Year!" A male voice shouted out.

   Celeste stopped and turned around, "What?"

   "Turns out the Muggleborn lovers were actually the Heirs of Slytherin."

    "Not the Heir of Slytherin, but okay."

   "So I'm guessing Cedric is a Parselmouth too," The upperclassman said as if he didn't hear her. "Is Potter your twin or something?"

  " No, Cedric is not a Parselmouth. And no he's not my twin -- we don't look alike or have the same birthday."

  "So your Mum was a whore and had you with another man?"

  "Don't call my dead mother a whore," Celeste said, turning back again and started to walk up the stairs. "Before I make sure the real Heir of Slytherin does much worse than petrify you."

   The day was already at a horrible start. People of all ages from every house except Slytherin were sneering at her, and some brave Gryffindors hexing her with minor spells. It had only been one class and it had already started. 

  "Hey, be careful, okay?" Cedric said once they got to the stairs leading to potions. . "I told Cho to tell the Ravenclaws to stop being rude to you, and George and Fred will try to make sure you won't get hexed anymore."

  "They don't think you're an Heir?" Celeste asked.

  "No, weirdly."

  "That's stupid, we're siblings."

  "Exactly, but I've started to hiss at people who talk about you." He chuckled. "Don't think it's working. Now I've got to go, will you be okay? Oh -- hey, you can walk with Harry to class. Hey Harry!"

    Harry, who was halfway up the stairs, turned around. "I'm not- oh, hello Cedric, Celeste."

  "Will you walk with her to class?" Cedric asked, slightly pushing Celeste onto the stairs.


   Cedric grinned and turned around, walking away. Celeste hurried up the stairs to be on the same steps as Harry. "Have a good day so far?"

  "Not at all. Justin's friends think we tried to hurt Justin. You?"

  "Horrible. Your Gryffindor friends wanted to Hex me at breakfast and while I was walking to class."

   "Sorry about that. I haven't been hexed but--" Harry had just tripped on something laying on the ground.

  "Bloody hell..." 

  Justin Finch-Fletchley was lying on the floor, rigid and cold, a look of shock frozen on his face, his eyes staring blankly at the ceiling. And that wasn't all. Next to him was another figure, the strangest sight the both of them had ever seen.

   It was Nearly Headless Nick, no longer pearly-white and transparent, but black and smoky, floating immobile and horizontal, six inches off the floor. His head was half off and his face wore an expression of shock identical to Justin's.

  "Harry, we need to get out of here," Celeste said helping him up. "Now--"

    A door opened beside them with a bang. Peeves the POltergeist came shooting out.

   "Why, it's potty wee Potter and Dick-ory!" Peeves cackled. "What are they up to? Why are they lurking? Are they on a date -"

   "Peeves stopped, halfway through a mid-air somersault. Upside down, he spotted Justin and Nearly Headless Nick. He flipped the right way up, filled his lungs, and before they could stop him, screamed, "ATTACK! ATTACK! ANOTHER ATTACK! NO MORTAL OR GHOST IS SAFE! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES! ATTAAACK!"

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