❤Act 1 - Chapter Twenty- Suprise?❤

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(I've slept HARD on this story. But dw,  im back bitches. And ik yall are mad that i havent updated in forever, and i do get writers block alot but yh thats not an excuse. I guess i just lost interest in the fandom for a while which i do alot. But i promise guys, from now on im gonna try my best to pump out chapters to make up for lost time. You guys deserve better.)

(h/c) = hair colour
(h/t) = hair type
(s/t) = skin tone

💙Max's POV💙

Gwen, (Y/N) and i sat on David's couch, watching random Disney movies to pass the time as we waited for David to get back.
Suddenly, Gwen looked up from her phone,
"Max, (Y/N), what are your favourite colours?"
"Blue" I answered without hesitation, my eyes never leaving the screen.
"(F/c)" (Y/N) answered, head in my lap as i played with her (h/c), (h/t) hair.
Gwen giggled, quickly snapping a picture of us, causing me to growl.
I wanted to snatch the phone out of her hands, but that would disturb (Y/N), and I'd take embarrassment over that any day.
We were in the middle of watching Mulan when suddenly the door was pushed open.
(Y/N) and I yelped in suprise, causing Gwen to laugh
Glaring at whoever decided to disturb us, I realised it was David.
He wore his usual bright grin on his face, although he seemed slightly out of breath.
"Gwen, could you help me please?"
He asked, flashing us a smile.
Gwen nodded, getting up from the couch and leaving with David.
(Y/N) shared a look of confusion with me, but she seemed more interested in focusing on the movie.
We had gotten to the lake part, and i chuckled at the bite scene.
She let out a small giggle, biting her lip to hide her amusement.
David and Gwen later returned with two large and bulky bags and two pots  of paint.
I was genuinely confused as to what they were doing, quirking my brow at Gwen when she came back into the room looking excited.
"You two stay here for a while, David and I will be doing...something!"
I narrowed my eyes at her and she chuckled sheepishly before rushing off.
"What's that?"
"Nothing, sorry" I reassured her, pressing a kiss to her forehead.
She sighed happily, beaming up at me and snuggling a bit closer to keep warm.
I grabbed the blanket that Gwen had been using and draped it over her,
We went back to watching the movie, ignoring the occasional sounds coming from The Guest rooms.
I had no idea what they were doing, but they were being really fucking weird.
The movie eventually finished, but David and Gwen were still busy doing whatever the fuck they were doing down the hall, and (Y/N) and I were beginning to get bored.
So, gently nudging (Y/N) off my lap i stood up off the couch and stretched.
"Let's go outside"
I said, and she nodded eagerly, so we walked towards the backdoor in the kitchen.
The garden was pretty plain looking, but it had a shit ton of flowers.
"Figures he gardens"
I mumbled to no one in particular.
Whilst i scoped the area out, (Y/N) went to have a look at his plants.
The backyard wasn't particularly big, so there wasn't much to check out, but there was a small hole in the fence that connected to his neighbours house.
Curiosity got the better of me, so i peeked through, hoping to see whatever boring fuck David had as a next door neighbour.
A small figure was rushing around the garden, holding what looked like a sword and wearing a...cape?
Wait a fucking minute...
"Take that troll!"
Yeah no that was fucking Nerris.
"So, you live next door to Camp man?"
My voice clearly made her jump, as she fell backwards with a yell.
I almost laughed, that is, if (Y/N) hadn't of come up behind me to see who i was talking to.
She called, and the girl jumped up, dusting herself off and approaching the fence.
"Max, (Y/N)? What are you doing here...? You guys live with David?"
I shrugged,
"Long story short, our parents decided they didn't give a shit about us anymore, so David is letting us crash here"
I decided to leave out the adopting part.
"Oh...sorry guys"
Nerris frowned, looking like she genuinely felt bad.
"Eh, it's fine, not like we liked them anyway"
"Yeah, I guess. It still sucks though!"
"It's fine Nerris, honestly"
(Y/N) reassured her, smiling sadly.
There was an awkward silence for a while
"Hey umm...you guys wanna roleplay?"
I glanced back to the house.
Clearly, David and Gwen were going to be busy for a while, and it's not like we had anything better to do.
"Sure, why the fuck not"
"Great! There's a loose panel over by that tree. If you push on it, you should be able to slip through no problem!"
I paused, raising a brow at her,
"How the fuck do you know that?"
Nerris looked sheepish.
"Welll...My cousins used to come round alot when i was a kid, and we would play catch. One time, my cousin threw the ball a bit too high and it landed in David's garden. I didn't know he lived here at the time though, so i was too scared to knock on the door to get it back. While me and my cousins were peeking over the fence to see if we could climb over, the panel came loose and i fell through into his garden"
I guess that made sense.
Without giving Nerris a response to her story, I lead (Y/N) over to the tree and pressed on a few pannels.
Sure enough, one of them came loose, leaving us enough room to slip in.
Once we were in Nerris' backyard, she bounded over to us with a grin.
"Come on! I'll lead you to my fortress!"
Her fortress was a tree house that looked like a safety hazard.

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