❤Act 1- Chapter Fourteen- A smack to the face❤

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(Y'all I'm sorry I haven't updated in a long ass time I just haven't really had good ideas until now-, also sorry if this chapter is a bit shit. Also this chapter is only in your point of view. I just need to mention this this chapter will contain angst)

🌹(Y/N)'s POV🌹
When David had told us that in a week, The parents were going to be arriving at Camp, I had actually been terrified. Surely my father wouldn't show up...but what if he did? What then? The thought plaged my mind for a while, leaving me stressed and restless. I had gone to Max for some comfort, but he was ignoring me. I didn't know what I did wrong, but he was avoiding me like I had some disease. I was hurt and worried, but I knew that he needed space to deal with whatever he was dealing with.
Nikki and Neil had also noticed his distance, but they had told me to let him be. I believed them, they had known him longer.
That night, when I gazed around the tent I realised something.
I couldn't find Max. It was around Two in the morning and I had woken up from a nightmare, I had those often. Usually, Max would be there to comfort me since he knew I didn't want to speak about it to anyone else.
However, tonight, he was no where to be seen.
There was only one place I figured he had gone. The pier.
A while back, he told me that when he felt stressed, upset or anxious, he went to the pier to calm down.
He mentioned that it helped him clear his head, and see things differently.
As I made my way towards it, I knew my assumption was correct.
He stood at the edge, staring out at the water with his back facing me.
"Max?" I called out to him.
"What are you doing here?"
He asked , not even bothered by my presence.
"You weren't in the tent, and I was worried that-"
"Worried?" He scoffed.
I blinked. Why was he being so mean?
"Y-yes, I didn't know where you were so I figured that you would be here"
A irritated sigh left his lips,
"Just go back to the tent (Y/N)"
His voice lacked any emotion.
"Not until you tell me what's wrong"
"I'm fine"
"No you aren't! You've been avoiding me for the past three days!"
I was on the verge of tears at this point.
"Listen, I just need space, why is that so hard for you to understand?!"
It was silent for a moment before I walked so that I was directly behind him.
"Listen Max, I know that something is bothering you, I know you-"
Just like that, all that pent up anger burst. Max turned on his heel, and smacked me, causing me to fall back in shock.
Fear rose in my chest as tears started flowing down my cheeks.
Not again. Not again.
I tried to escape that here.
"I-I'm sorry!"
I whimpered, hoping that he would forgive me for being disobedient.
"It won't happen again!"
Max stared down at me in horror, the gravity of what he had just done starting to hit him.
The anger in his eyes melted into what could only be described as crushing guilt.
"(Y/N)! I-I'm so f-fucking sorry!"
He rushed, tears forming in the corners of his eyes.
As he approached, I flinched back, expecting him to hit me again.
Seeing this, Max whimpered, collapsing to his knees in front of me.
"F-fuck. N-no. No. No."
He pulled at his hair frantically.
"(Y/N) I'm so s-sorry! I don't k-know what came over me I-"
He began to crawl towards me, wrapping his arms around my body,
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Fuck, (Y/N) I'm so sorry"
He mumbled over and over again, voice hoarse.
I tensed at his touch at first, before my body relaxed and I leaned into him, still shaking.
Stroking my hair, he began to kiss all over my face, muttering apologies and soothing words.
"I promise I will never hurt you again"
He whispered,
"Please forgive me. Please don't leave me. Please kitten."
Kitten. He had started calling me that the day the flower girl arrived.
Hearing that now, alongside the apologies, I knew that Max would never intentionally hurt me.
I trust him with my life, and I knew that this would be the last time he raised his hand to me.
"I forgive you Max"
I whispered in a small voice.
He made a relieved sound before scooping me up bridal style.
He was silent carrying me all the way back to the tent, the pain and guilt still clear in his eyes.
Once we had arrived, he placed me down on his bed, climbing in next to me and pulling me close to his body.
"I hurt you"
"No. I hurt you. To think, I promised myself that I wouldn't let anyone hurt you, and then I do that? Some boyfriend I turned out to be"
He whispered angrily.
"Max...I know you didn't mean it. And I know you won't do it again"
I tried to reassure him.
"I know, but fuck, I'll never forgive myself for this. I hurt the one person I actually care about."
He caressed the place where he hit me, eyebrows furrowed in concern.
"Does it hurt?"
I shook my head,
"Not any more"
He sighed, chin resting on the top of my head.
We stayed like that for a while, but I wanted to know what had fueled him.
"Wh-Why were you out there?"
Silence, for a moment,
"My parents, they ain't coming for parents day"
"You don't know -"
"Yes, kitten, I do. They couldn't give two shits about me, never have, never will.
And, that used to hurt me, but now, it just pisses me off.
And the fact that everyone's parents are going to be there, because they care, makes me realise how fucked up this whole thing is."
I nodded, allowing him to vent.
"I was wrong to take that out on you, on Nikki and Neil, and fuck, even David and Gwen. It's not your fault they don't care about me."
"It's okay, you have a right to feel angry"
"There was this thing my dad always used to do. He'd push me to the floor if I did something wrong, and he'd always say the same thing. 'I know you, boy. You're weak'"
I listened intently, realising now how my words had affected him.
Suddenly, I felt Max's shoulders shake.
"You are the only person who actually gives a Fuck about me, and I almost fucked that up tonight"
He mumbled with a pained expression, eyes welled up with tears.
Just then, Max grabbed me gently, kissing my lips in such a soft way it was though he thought I would break.
"I will die before I hurt you again"
He promised, an intense look in those green eyes.
I heard the emotion in his voice, and I believed him.

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