❤Act 1- Chapter Nine- Operation Max x (Y/N)❤

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(Sorry my lovelies, I haven't updated for a while but here a new chapter lol, also this chapter will be in your Pov only)

🌹(Y/N) POV🌹

Max and I had woken up to the sound of laughing and camera flickers. slowly opened my eyes to see a amused Gwen, Nikki, Neil and a sheepish David.
I glanced down to see Max's arm wrapped around my waist.
David mouthed a quick 'sorry' to me before rushing off. I didn't blame him, when Max wakes up he is going to explode.

Speaking of which, I felt him shift and nuzzle into my side, causing me to blush.
Gwen fangirled, taking more pictures while Nikki and Neil sniggered.
"What the fuck.." Max murmured, finally opening his eyes.
As expected, he shot up once he realized what was happening.
"You assholes! Delete those pictures or you're dead!" He snapped, face flushed a bright red.

On cue, They all ran off, laughing as they did so.
Max groaned and crossed his arms.
"M-max?" I asked timidly.
"What?" He snapped without thinking.
I flinched back slightly on reflex.
"U-uh sorry for e-embarrassing you" I apologized meekly, looking down.
I heard Max sigh as he tilted my head up with his hand gently.
"You didn't embarrass me, it was those morons"
I smiled as he pinched mycheeks before jumping down off the couch.

"C'mon, we should get to the mess hall"

I nodded and let him drag me by the arm.
Once we reached the Mess hall, Max marched over to the table where Nikki and Neil were sat, me following behind him.
Neil sniggered, "What's wrong Max? We interrupt cuddle time with your Girlfriend?"
The green eyed boy glared at him.
"She's not my fucking girlfriend you dickhead!"
He growled with a pink hue on his cheeks.
Neil hummed, not believing him.
Nikki then decided to jump in on the action, though in a strange way.
"I bet you have wet dreams about fucking the shit out of her" she said with a sly smirk.

Niel gaped.
Max blinked.
I gasped.

Nikki grinned, looking proud of herself.
Let's just say none of us were expecting that from her, as she rarely swears.
Niel then hunched over the table, gasping for air as he wheezed quite loudly.
"What the actual fuck Nikki?!" Max yelled, not loud enough to attract the whole mess hall, but enough to catch David and Gwen's attention, as they came over seconds later.
"Uh..what's Niel dying over"
Gwen asked with a confused chuckle.
Through gasps of breath Niel explained what Nikki had said.
Gwen stared for a moment before bursting into fits of laughter.
David looked slightly embarrassed though.
"I don't think that's appropriate Nikki" he said sternly.

Max got up suddenly and left as fast as he could.
Neil and Gwen were too busy laughing to care but me And Nikki shared a look.
I had a large blush covering my face but I was still slightly concerned about Max.
When I went to go after him she stopped me.

"I'd leave him to cool off if i were you, he can get pretty violent when he's like this"

I shivered at the thought but brushed it off and listened to her, knowing that she had known Max alot longer than I have.
I finished my food with Nikki and Neil as we discussed a few things, the two of them mainly being the ones talking.
Neil stood up, "Hey, we're going to go do something, We'll see you a bit later"
I nodded and put away my tray, thanking the Quartermaster and quickly going outside to sit down.


"Hey (Y/N)!"

I looked up at my Name being called and saw Nikki, Neil and Max approaching me. Well, Nikki was dragging Max and he looked like he had given up.
I smiled nervously and closed the book that I was reading.
"O-oh, hi?"
I could definitely tell that they were up to something the minute they came close as they both had a mischievous look in their eyes.

Max seemed, anxious about something but I didn't dare answer it in case I pissed him off again.
"We need help with something" Neil stated with a grin, gesturing for me to follow them.
I obeyed, getting up and going after them.
"W-what do you need h-help with?"
Nikki piped up,
"Wellll, we're were planning on doing a prank on David, but we know you don't like to get involved so we just need help getting some supplies from the shed."

I nodded, not really knowing what else to think about it. The four of us headed towards the shed, Max sticking close to me the whole time, having not said anything to me since breakfast. I wondered if he was angry at me but brushed it off as if he was he probably wouldn't be here right now.
The second we arrived in the shed Nikki and Neil locked the door.
"W-Why d-did you lock the door?"

"We can't all be in there at the same time otherwise David and Gwen will notice, We'll stay out here and keep watch" Neil answered.

I took a glance at Max to see how he was taking this. Suprisingly, he didn't look fased, but I assumed this was down to the fact that he was used to them pulling stuff like this.
"S-so, what supplies do you need?" I asked, trying to break the tension.
When he didn't answer, I became uncomfortable and shifted in place.

"I need to tell you something" Max stated out of nowhere.
I blinked in shock.
"U-uh, okay?"
Max grew closer to me, cornering me against the wall.
I couldn't help but feel afraid, no matter the fact that I knew He would never hurt me.
he placed a hand against the wall beside my head and stared into my eyes before looking away with a blush.
"Y-you're cute.."
Heat rose to my cheeks at his words.
"And you're b-beautiful"
At this point I was confused and flustered.
"A-and I j-just want to protect you"
Despite his nervousness, Max managed to keep talking.
"S-so what I'm trying to say is..I..shit!"
Before I could even react He quickly pressed his lips against mine, moving his hands to rest on my face, holding me closer to him.
His eyes were jammed shut, cheeks a rosy pink.
I was in shock, a wave of emotions flooding my senses so that I didn't know how to react.
All I know is that in my panic, I didn't kiss back.
I couldn't. I was too scared that this might of been a prank, or that if I were to date Max, he would eventually find out about..that, and leave me.
The boy pulled away, staring at me with a mixture of sadness and disappointment.
"You...You don't like me back, do you?"
I desperately tried to talk but my words came out jumbled.

"S-sorry I.."

I was trying to apologize for not kissing back, but he took it the wrong way.
Max backed away from me, his hair covering his eyes as he pounded on the door for Nikki and Neil to let him out.
"How did it-"
"Shut the fuck up" he growled dangerously.
I stared in shock.
"Woah, What's wrong?"
"What's fucking wrong is that your stupid fucking half-assed plan didn't work. She.doesn't.fucking.like.me, get that through your Skulls and leave me the fuck alone, the both of you"
I attempted to stop him.
"H-hey w-wa-"
"STOP IT, STOP TRYING TO APOLOGIZE!" He yelled, voice thick with emotion.
Max then stormed off, the three of us staring after him.
It was silent for a while when Neil spoke, "I'm going after him" he stated while walking in the direction Max had gone.
Nikki and I watched him go.
"What happened?"
She asked, looking at me with worry and confusion.
I sighed, "I d-don't know"

(Sorry if it's shit hhehe-)

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