❤Act 1- Chapter Eleven- Family Feild Trip!❤

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(This might be a long chapter depending on where I go with the story, also this chapter contains hints to sexual activity, but not actually graphic depictions)

💙Max's POV💙

I yelled, glaring at Gwen and David while (Y/N) was beside me.
Gwen sighed with a tired expression.
"C'mon Max"
"No! I'm not gonna be stuck with you two For who knows how long, and neither is (Y/N)"
She knelt down so that she was on my level.
"If we leave you here and take (Y/N), you'll act up cause you miss her, and if we leave (Y/N) and take you, then we can't really count that she'll be safe, and if we leave you both, somehow you'll get both of you hurt, so we're taking you with us, no but's"
I was pratically defeated at this point as deep down I knew Gwen was right.
She looked relieved that I didn't start arguing again and turned to face (Y/N).
"Hop in the car sweetie"
She nodded and followed David to the car as Gwen stayed behind with me.
"If you try any type of shit no desert for two weeks, I mean it Max"
My eyes widened, "Are you kidding me!? God, fine then"
She seemed satisfied with my answered, "Alright, now go get in the car with (Y/N)"
I begrudgingly did as I was told and jumped in the back while Gwen sat in the front next to David.
"This is going to be so much fun! We're like a real family!" He exclaimed happily, grinning at Gwen.
I rolled my eyes and turned to look at (Y/N). She was peering out the window, distracted.
I took this opportunity to quickly place my hand on top of hers, but was alarmed when she tugged it away.
I was about to say something when she held my hand, her fingers tangling with mine.
I blushed and looked at her again to see her smiling at me with the most adorable expression.
"You guys are too fucking cute I swear to God" Gwen said suddenly.
"W-whatever!" I blurted, not removing my hand from hers.
"Are you ready guys?" David asked happily.
We all gave a nod of approval and he began driving.
Both him and Gwen had supplies to pick up from a town which was far away from camp, and knowing me they brought (Y/N) and I so that I wouldn't cause trouble.
David turned on the radio and some shit news report.
"David what the fuck is this shit!?"
"Language, aaand this is the sleepy peak weather channel! It's great! Right Gwen?"
Gwen stared David,
"I fucking love you, but please, change the fucking channel before I die of boredom"
He sighed,
"Fine, I guess we could listen to something else, any ideas?"
Gwen pulled out a CD and handed it to Him to put in the radio.
He did as told and some not so shitty music blared out of the speakers.
"Thank fucking god!" I slumped down in relief, causing (Y/N) to giggle.

Suddenly, Gwen started to sing along to the music, swaying her body and in general being stupid.
Then it was like a fucking chain reaction cause David started singing along aswell.
"Oh my god.."
But the most shocking thing was (Y/N) singing with them, swaying her body like Gwen. I blushed and stared at her. This was the first time I had seen her act so carefree. It was adorable.
Gwen turned to face me, grinning.
"C'mon Max join in!"
"Fuck no!"
(Y/N) bumped my hip and laughed at me.
I grumbled, slowly beginning to mumble the lyrics until eventually all four of us were loudly singing along. We received a few weird looks from passerby but we didn't care. Honestly, I don't remember having this much fun with David and Gwen, but i would never admit that.
When the song finally came to an end, a slower and calmer one came on.
"that was so much fun!" David said, and I couldn't help but agree.


We arrived a few hours later at a Motel just off the road. David parked and Gwen, (Y/N) and I hopped out the car and waited patiently for him to check in.
When he came back out he had a pair of keys and a grin on his face.
The three of us followed him to our room and Gwen collapsed on the bed she was going to share with David.
"You guys are gonna have the room next to ours"
David opened a door that connected to another room to quickly show us where we would be sleeping. I blushed when I realised there was only one bed.
"(Y/N)!!" Gwen called out.
We turned to see her beckoning (Y/N) to come towards her, which she did.
Gwen grabbed her and began to slowly braid her hair.

🌹(Y/N)'s POV🌹

I contently sat in Gwen's lap as she began to braid my hair into different styles. It was actually quite fun and relaxing as she was really gentle, unlike my father, who when he brushed my hair he pulled and tugged.
"You look so nice with your hair out!" David said with stars in his eyes.
I blushed and thanked him.
Gwen eventually decided on a cute single braid and patted my head.
"There we go!" I giggled.
"Why don't we watch a movie?" David suggested.
Everyone was in agreement, all of us sitting down on David and Gwen's bed to watch a movie.
Max slyly wrapped an arm around me so that it would go unnoticed.
I smiled over at him and he blushed, averting his gaze to the television.
Max and I then went to the next room to get changed into our sleepwear. When we came back out he prevented me from entering and pressed a finger to his lips, signalling me to be quiet. We both peeked round the corner to see both our councilers cuddling on the bed. I gushed and Max snorted silently.
Gwen suddenly fell back laughing at a sexual scene which caused David to go bright red.
"G-Gwen it's not funny!" He exclaimed, trying to get her to stop.
"Y-yes it fucking is!" She said inbetween giggles.
"Stop laughing!" He demanded with a pout.
Gwen smirked and looked up at him,
"Make me"
Max and I watched in horror as David pounced on Gwen, kissing her.
"Holy fucking shit!" My boyfriend cursed, covering his mouth to prevent any noise from coming out.
David had Gwen pinned down beneath him.
It was then I decided to slowly open the door.
The two of them gave us a deer in headlights look at being caught.
As they both scrambled to get off eachother, they fell off the bed.
Max leant into me, clutching his sides and laughing.
I giggled but managed to make him stop.
However, when we made eyecontact we couldn't contain ourselves and began a hysterical laughing fit.
Gwen was the first to join in, muffling her laughter In David's neck with set him off.
The next ten minutes was filled with none stop giggles until David composed himself.
"Alright you two, its getting late, off to bed"
We nodded and headed to our room.
Max climbed into the bed next to me, an unanswered question in his eyes.
"What is it?"
He looked hesitant but he finally spoke what was on his mind.
"C-can we c-cuddle?" He asked with a cute hopeful look on his face that I couldn't resist.
"Of course"
He sighed in relief.
"Good.." he mumbled, burying his face into my neck and wrapping is arms tightly around my waist,spooning me.
His legs tangled themselves with mine, engulfing me in a soft, protective hold.
Closing my eyes, I allowed his warm embrace to lull me to sleep.


I woke up at about 3am to Max shaking me awake. Groaning, I sat up and looked at him sleepily.
"W-what is it?"
He didn't answer my question. Instead, he dragged me to the door of our room and pressed his ear against it, motioning for me to do the same.
What I heard scarred me for life.
Soft, but loud moans echoed from the other side, As well as the sound of a bed rocking.
"Oh my fucking...hell"
Max muttered with wide eyes.
I cringed and backed away from the door upon hearing David's voice.
Max and I stared at eachother, knowing damn well the rest of the night was probably going to be sleepless
(I apologize guys)


🌲David's POV🌲

I woke up the next morning feeling fresh.
Staring down at A half naked Gwen I smiled, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead and getting up to make something For everyone.
Footsteps from behind me alerted me of someone's presence. Turning, I saw
(Y/N) standing there with bags under her eyes.
"Good morning! How did you sleep?"
She stared at me with a horrified expression before scurrying off.
Moments later two arms wrapped around my waist. I giggled once I saw Gwen peering up at me with a sleepy grin and a dazed look in her violet eyes.
"How did you sleep?" I asked in a gentle voice whilst I waited for the food in the microwave to cook.
She yawned and leaned up, pecking my lips.
"Pretty good..how bout you?"
I grinned at this, "Better than usual"
She blushed and punched my arm slightly.
Laughing, I took out the food and began to put it onto four plates.
When Max came into the room he looked exhausted, (Y/N) behind him leaning against his back half asleep.
I handed the two of them their plates with a smile.
(Y/N) thanked me and rushed off whilst Max stared up at me and Gwen.
"Y'all are some horny fucking cunts"
He stated with a tired glare before walking off to his and (Y/N)'s room.
We both stared after him in confusion.
"Weird kid.." Gwen mumbled, digging into her food

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