(Ay im bqck) a surprise maybe

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A/n:so I'm back in a little better but uh I'm sorry I kept yu waiting a bit but I have 10 more pages left on He computer and then I'll write from there and hopefully it will make sense

Y/n's POV: "n/n you need to eat." (It's Shiggy talking) "No I don't, I just need a nap and I'll be fine. So leave me be." "Y/n get you ass to the table. You tired this when we were little and training." "You mean when I trained, and no leave me be I'm tired and need a nap." I walked to my room and fell on my bed about to fall asleep but someone came in my room.(damn people are annoying) "What the hell go away." I was acting like a little kid since I was tired but I didn't care. "No you need to eat."(dang he really do care for us and wants us to eat) "Shiggy no I'm not hungry." "Whatever don't come crying to me when your hungry." (One bitch I made the damn food and two I think I had realized he was being hella nice) He left my room and I began to think. 'What if Shiggy touched me and I didn't turn to dust.' Ok time to figure this out. (So this is and actually a/n from the computer. I got bored so I'm adding something interesting.) "Hey shiggy." "What." "Hand out." "Ok?" I grabbed his wrist and put his hand on my shoulder and waited for death but nothing happened. "What the hell? I bough I'd die but meh at at least I got my question answered." "WHAT THE FUCK! You could have died!" "Well atleast I didn't do calm down. And now you don't have to worry about accidentally killing me." "B-but how?" 

He was looking at his hands and was extremely confused, but I was hungry and got me some nuggets. "How this isn't-that can't be possible." "Oh stop think about it to much." (The fuck why are we so damn calm XD) "I'm sorry but you can't say anything about this. You have never accidentally killed people." "Whatever." I had noticed he didn't have his hand in his face. "Oh and you shouldn't always wear that hand you look cute without it." I walked back to my room and made ungodly noises. "Holy shit I thought I was going to die and then I didn't and then I called him cute what the fuck is happening!!! Oh god I can't be falling in love Right I mean after years we finally just meet again."(literally me)

Shiggy POV:'Did she just call me cute? Ok what the fuck is happening.' "Shigrake-kun are you ok? You look I don't know shoocked and confused." "I'm fine dumbass(BAKUBITCH?!) I just need to think." I heard some ungodly noises coming from Y/n's room. 'Is she ok?....I need to figure out how she didn't die.'

Y/n's POV:"Ok so maybe I'm in love that ok I won't let this affect me and either way I know he won't feel the same way towards me. Right but now HOW THE HELL DIDNT I DIE?!?!?!" I decided to not think about.

I checked the time it was late so I just decided to go to bed once I got rid of me shirt (you sleep with no shirt on) and a new pair of sweatpants.

I woke up at 12 and saw Denki on the floor; it didn't bug me. I went and changed I went to my bathroom and changed. I pulled my hair into a messy bun and said it was good enough.

I walked out I to the hallway and I could hear people talking about me so I stayed where I was and listened. "No she's just using us she going to leave and tell U.A. about us.@ "she's no use to us can't do shit she isn't a threat she just some girl who cries." "She be-don't belong." 'That's it!' I walked into the room and fought back the tears. "You think that I'm not a threat that's fucking hailrous cause trust me I can do more damage than you think. And U.A. every waking moment I spent there was hell bullying, mocking, name calling, and even a few death threats her and there! And I do belong yu might not think I don't but I'm pretty sure if didn't I would have already been gotten rid of!" They looked at me with this blanch expression and it pissed me off. "WHAT DK YOU WNAT FROM ME!" They laughed at me and that was the last straw.

"AT LEAST MY DAMN FAMILY STILL LOVES ME AND WOULD NEVER HURT ME!" Hat got all of heir attention. (I don't rember their names by the lizard dude the one in the straight jack and twice) "At least I don't copy people! At least I don't FUCKING ARGUE WITH MYSELF!" Each of hem pissed off and I myself started crying. "And at least I know that I'll never be welcomed somewhere but at least I don't bully people and I can't control the crying! And actually a good portion of it is due to my depression and then the fact I get so angry it just happens(true fact about me) but no you don't have to be dicks and make fun of someone instead of facing your own problems!!!!! Or did I hit a nerve cause here's the sad thing....even without my quirk I could beat all of your asses."

I began laughing at them. "But I won't cause it's sad enough that Dabi already got his ass kicked by me." "Whoever gave you the right to talk back little girl." " 'Little girl' him that's the third time I've been called that in my life and you want to know what happened to the others who called me that." "Tch sure(BAKUBITCH)." "They ended up in the hospital bed but do it again and you'll be dead!" I guess Shiggy had walked out in the room. "Y/n please refrain from killing anyone in the league." "Fine but I want an energy drink." "Later I need you to go on a mission with twice". "But why him." "Because his quirk will help."

I said fine and left the room. It was weird how Shigrake could easily tame my demons and me down.

Shinso's sister *Shigaraki x depressed reader*Where stories live. Discover now